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News Articles for 2002

Santa Claus, Georgia (left) and Indiana (right)

December 23, 2002

Santa's Revealing Home Photos Released by NASA

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Alberto Behar

December 19, 2002

Alberto Behar, JPL Engineer

In this video profile 'First Person,' JPL engineer Alberto Behar tests robotic technologies in the remote ice fields of Antarctica.

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spider-bot prototype and JPL engineer Robert Hogg

December 18, 2002

Creepy Crawlers May Unravel Web of Planetary Mysteries

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Michael Poole (left) and Jonathan Wall in the spider-bot test sandbox

December 18, 2002

The Brains Behind the Bot

This is not the kind of bug you want to squash. The new Spiderbot is the leggy brainchild of JPL's Mobility Systems Concept Development section, including two ambitious engineering students and one recent graduate. Gabe Sibley, Jonathan Wall and Michael Poole spent their summer vacation building and testing this robotic hexapod.

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Spider-bot and Robert Hogg

December 18, 2002

Robert Hogg, Engineering Robots of the Future

In just five years at JPL, Hogg has already worked on some of the latest robotic vehicles to explore our own planet and beyond.

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Artist's concept of Galileo passing near Jupiter's small inner moon Amalthea. Image credit: Michael Carroll

December 17, 2002

Galileo Millennium Mission Status

NASA's Galileo spacecraft has begun transmitting high-priority scientific information that was collected and stored on its tape recorder during the orbiter's early-November dash by Jupiter, which brought it closer to the planet than ever before.

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Astronomy students at Hohenfels High School, Germany, commanded the Goldstone radio telescope

December 16, 2002

Schools' Radio-Telescope Project Goes International

Most students at Hohenfels High School in Germany are from U.S. military families posted overseas. Sometimes America can seem far away.

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Adeos 2 launch, with SeaWinds instrument on board; Image copyright of NASDA

December 13, 2002

Launch Gives Weather Forecasters Twin Wind Watchers

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Artist's concept of Jason

December 11, 2002

Jason Mission Status

The joint NASA-French Space Agency oceanography satellite Jason is set to embark on the science phase of its scheduled five-year voyage to study ocean circulation and its effect on climate.

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graphic depiction of lithium-6

December 11, 2002

Researchers Control Love-Hate Relationship Between Atoms

Research that makes ultra-cold atoms extremely attractive to one another may help test current theories of how all matter behaves - a breakthrough that might lead to advanced transportation systems, more efficient energy sources and new tests of astrophysical theories.

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Artist's concept of humans on Mars

December 10, 2002

Roving the Red Planet: Current and Future Missions

As NASA prepares to launch two rovers to the red planet next spring, Dr. Firouz Naderi, will present a pair of free, public lectures about Mars exploration.

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Coast Guard icebreakers

December 10, 2002

SeaWinds Tracks Antarctic Ice Escapades

The SeaWinds instrument has changed all that. SeaWinds is a scatterometer flying on NASA's QuikScat satellite. A second SeaWinds instrument will launch on Japan's Advanced Earth Observation Satellite 2 on December 13.

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Santa Claus, Georgia (left) and Indiana (right)

December 9, 2002

Santa's Revealing Home Photos Released by NASA

He may see us when we're sleeping, know when we're awake, and know if we've been bad or good, but thanks to new images from NASA, we can now catch a rare, behind-the-scenes glimpse of some of Santa Claus' summer estates.

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Mountains on Io at sunset

December 9, 2002

Ridge Catches Sunset, Lava Spreads in Io Views from Galileo

In one newly released image of Jupiter's moon Io from NASA's Galileo spacecraft, a mountain ridge named Mongibello, three-fourths as tall as Mount Everest, gleams from the rays of an otherworldly sunset.

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Artist's concept of Mars Exploration Rover

December 9, 2002

NASA Twins Plan Martian Ramble

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Victoria Crater

Mars Rovers Near Five Years of Discovery

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Artist concept of Mars Science Lab

Rover Naming Contest

Contest details

Artist concept of crew members near lunar lander

To Go Where No Spacecraft Has Gone Before

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Category 5 hurricane Katrina

Study Links Severe Storm Increases, Global Warming

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Kepler spacecraft

Kepler Spacecraft Ready to Ship to Florida

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