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Crescenta Valley High School students

December 16, 2008

Students Zoom Aerial Cars in Engineering Contest

Twenty-four student teams and six JPL employees raced their hand-built aerial cars in the 11th annual Invention Challenge held Friday, Dec. 12.

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October 31, 2008

NASA Chooses Small-Business Innovation Proposals

NASA has selected 142 proposals for possible contract awards in its Small Business Innovation Research program. JPL is providing technical oversight for 19 of these projects to develop technology for future missions.

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JPL Business Office icon

October 30, 2008

NASA to Hold Small Business Symposium

NASA will host the inaugural Small Business Symposium and Awards Ceremony Nov. 17-18 in Washington, DC.

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Victor Mejia

September 25, 2008

Summer Interns: In Their Own Words

More than 300 high school and college interns worked at JPL this summer in areas such as robotic hardware systems and nano- and micro-systems. New web videos profile two of the students.

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Yuri Carrillo

August 20, 2008

Young Thinkers Get to Tinker at JPL

More than 300 students have swelled JPL's ranks this summer, hailing from high schools, community colleges, four-year universities and graduate schools across the country.

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montage of planets

July 16, 2008

JPL Enters the Blogosphere

A new JPL blog features scientists and engineers who will offer insights into their areas of expertise - ranging from Mars, Saturn and other solar system bodies to the universe beyond. Topics closer to home, like climate change, will also be discussed. Public comments are welcome.

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Athlete in Moses Lake, Washington

June 13, 2008

Moses Lake Part of Athlete Training

JPL's Athlete (All-Terrain Hex-Legged Extra-Terrestrial Explorer) participated in NASA testing of future moon systems at Moses Lake, Washington. The two-week long trial concluded today (June 13).

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engineering model for Mars Science Lab

May 14, 2008

Latino JPL Engineers To Inspire Students in Webcast

Six JPL engineers are included in a live Webcast about engineering opportunities in the space program on Thursday, May 15.

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Winners from the National Science Bowl in Washington, DC. on May 5, 2008

May 5, 2008

Santa Monica High Wins National Science Bowl

Santa Monica High School has won the National Science Bowl in Washington. This is the first time the winner of JPL's regional Science Bowl has also placed first in the national competition.

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images from JPL Space Gallery

May 2, 2008

New Image Gallery Has an Eye for Beauty

JPL's new online Space Gallery captures the beauty of Earth, the solar system and the universe in a single web site. Features include a scrollable image navigation and a toggle to see slide shows.

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JPLers prepare for Open House

April 22, 2008

JPL Invites Public to Open House

At this free, all-day event on May 3 and 4, visitors can watch 700-pound robots glide under artificial stars in JPL's Robodome and get an up-close view of full-scale models of Mars rovers.

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technician scans patient with carotid artery ultrasound

April 10, 2008

NASA Technologies Enter Space Technology Hall of Fame

The Space Foundation today is inducting three NASA-developed technologies into the Space Technology Hall of Fame.

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April 9, 2008

JPL Wins Award From U.S. Small Business Administration

The U.S. Small Business Administration has named JPL as the winner of its 2008 Dwight D. Eisenhower Award for Excellence in the research and development category.

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team controlling their robot to move the red ball

March 24, 2008

High-Schoolers Go Into Overdrive at FIRST Robotics Competition

Fifty-two teams from high schools in Southern California, Arizona and New Hampshire competed in the Los Angeles FIRST Robotics Competition last Friday and Saturday.

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radio-controlled model blimp

March 12, 2008

Researchers Flex Artificial Muscles

Scientific researchers from around the world made a robotic fish swim, a synthetic flower bloom, and a giant metallic blimp fly using artificial muscles at an annual conference.

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Victoria Crater

Mars Rovers Near Five Years of Discovery

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Artist concept of Mars Science Lab

Rover Naming Contest

Contest details

Artist concept of crew members near lunar lander

To Go Where No Spacecraft Has Gone Before

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Category 5 hurricane Katrina

Study Links Severe Storm Increases, Global Warming

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Kepler spacecraft

Kepler Spacecraft Ready to Ship to Florida

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