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97123   12/23/97 Voyager project manager George Textor to retire
97122   12/23/97 Clawson receives Quality Assurance award
97121   12/22/97 Two JPL scientists elected AGU fellows
97120   12/16/97 Efficient computing paper wins award
97119   12/16/97 Flyby marks start of Galileo Europa Mission
97118   12/10/97 Galileo explored at JPL evening talk
97117   12/9/97 Mariner 2 Venus mission to be celebrated
97116   12/9/97 NASA payload to fly around the world
97115   12/8/97 Mitchell named manager for Galileo mission
97114   12/8/97 Seasat, NSCAT detect changes in Greenland ice
97113   12/4/97 Researchers stage largest military simulation
97112   12/1/97 Pathfinder results featured in Science Magazine
97111   11/25/97 NASA awards ACRIMSAT contract
97110   11/25/97 Postal Service issues Mars Pathfinder stamp
97109   11/21/97 van Zyl named young engineer of the year
97108   11/20/97 NASA awards QuikSCAT spacecraft contract
97107   11/20/97 JPL retiree Casey Mohl dies
97106   11/14/97 New space and Earth science programs deputy director
97105   11/13/97 Mars penetrators successfully complete test
97104   11/13/97 Li named New Millennium program manager
97103   11/10/97 Mars Global Surveyor resumes aerobraking
97102   11/10/97 Public invited to send names to comet
97101   11/7/97 Jones named manager of Space Interferometry mission
97100   11/6/97 Science team selected for Mars Surveyor '01
9799   11/6/97 JPL hosts advanced propulsion conference
9798   11/5/97 Galileo detects Arizona-sized volcanic deposit on Io
9797   11/4/97 Pathfinder winds down after phenomenal mission
9796   10/31/97 New technology and applications director announced
9795   10/30/97 Global Surveyor to continue aerobraking phase
9794   10/29/97 JPL partner wins NASA research award
9793   10/23/97 Genesis named next Discovery program flight
9792   10/20/97 Scientists discover impact crater in Yemen
9791   10/14/97 Global Surveyor's orbit raised
9790   10/10/97 Ion engine passes 8,000-hour endurance test
9789   10/9/97 Pathfinder paints Earth-like picture of early Mars
9788   10/8/97 NASA and CNES sponsor oceanography conference
9787   10/6/97 Global Surveyor's progress explored in talk
9786   10/3/97 NASA receives approval to launch Cassini
9785   10/3/97 Global Surveyor unveils first portrait of Mars
9784   10/1/97 Radarsat begins first map of Antarctia
9783   9/29/97 JPL hosts workshop on space-themed toys
9782   9/29/97 Science team chosen for technology mission
9781   9/26/97 Mars Pathfinder rover exits Rock Garden
9780   9/23/97 Students prepare flight of Kidsat payload
9779   9/18/97 Twin telescopes begin all-sky survey
9778   9/17/97 Global Surveyor detects magnetic field
9777   9/15/97 El Niño is back and strong
9776   9/8/97 Cassini explored in evening talk
9775   9/4/97 Deep Space 1 spacecraft viewing
9774   9/2/97 Voyager still going strong after 20 years
9773   8/28/97 Earth science spacecraft reaches milestone
9772   8/26/97 JPL selects desktop and network services contract
9771   8/25/97 Global Surveyor fine-tunes its flight path
9770   8/21/97 Earth Signatures board spacecraft to Saturn
9769   8/19/97 JPL program recognizes college students
9768   8/8/97 Sojourner reflects latest in automation
9767   8/8/97 Pathfinder concludes primary science mission
9766   8/7/97 Pathfinder to be explored in talk
9765   7/28/97 Pathfinder software honored by NASA
9764   7/18/97 Galileo finds Europa has an atmosphere
9763   7/5/97 NASA renames Pathfinder to honor Carl Sagan
9762   6/30/97 Tool brings NASA technology to classrooms
9761   6/24/97 Public will have internet view of Pathfinder
9760   6/20/97 Nebula boasts coldest spot in Universe
9759   6/19/97 Mattel releases toy of Sojourner rover
9758   6/10/97 Prototype rover completes simulated Mars trek
9757   6/10/97 Voyager missions highlighted in evening talk
9756   6/5/97 Galileo finds wet and dry spots on Jupiter
9754   6/2/97 Westmoreland announces retirement
9753   5/29/97 Satellites suggest El Niño is brewing again
9752   5/23/97 Jupiter's moons internal structures
9751   5/20/97 JPL, CSUN team up in educational partnership
9750   5/20/97 Hubble sees cloudy skies on Mars
9749   5/13/97 Teachers invited to Mars workshop
9748   5/12/97 Last member of early rocket testing group dies
9747   5/12/97 Web site features images of Earth's ionosphere
9746   5/9/97 JPL hosts Les Tupper Awards
9745   5/6/97 Galileo takes close look at Ganymede
9744   5/6/97 Two JPL women honored
9743   5/5/97 International meeting sets space standards
9742   5/5/97 Space technology explored at talk
9741   5/2/97 NASA showcases high tech inventions
9740   5/1/97 Public invited to JPL's open house
9739   4/30/97 Global Surveyor to aerobrake in modified configuration
9738   4/21/97 Cassini arrives at Kennedy Space Center
9737   9/21/97 Take our daughters to work at JPL
9736   4/16/97 Free Mars screen saver on-line
9735   4/16/97 New high definition video network
9734   4/9/97 Wet and wild history on Europa
9733   4/3/97 Team studies Hale-Bopp's cometary cousin
9732   3/31/97 Students can design a mission to Mars
9731   3/31/97 Comet hunters gather at Caltech
9730   3/26/97 JPL launches new look in cyberspace
9729   3/20/97 Galileo mission hosts "Online from Jupiter"
9728   3/19/97 Ulysses has unique view of Hale-Bopp
9727   3/18/97 JPL named partner in Earth study mission
9726   3/17/97 JPL employee critically burned in crash
9725   3/17/97 NASA plans Hale-Bopp observing campaign
9724   3/17/97 Rocky 7 team seeks schools for testing
9722   3/14/97 Mars Pathfinder passes Global Surveyor
9721   3/13/97 Boy Scouts to visit JPL
9720   3/11/97 Hale-Bopp to be explored at talk
9719   3/6/97 Teams studies new radar imaging system
9718   3/5/97 Science bowl to be held at JPL
9717   3/4/97 Wind data improving accuracy of forecasts
9716   2/26/97 Teams chosen for Mars Pathfinder mission
9715   2/24/97 Fuel cell shows promise for zero-emission vehicles
9714   2/19/97 Galileo returns to Europa for another look
9713   2/17/97 Search for origins of the universe
9712   2/12/97 Galileo team makes a historic trek to Italy
9711   2/12/97 Grant supports California earthquake network
9710   2/7/97 Radio telescope larger than Earth
9709   2/7/97 Safe platform for volcano studies
9708   2/3/97 New Millennium program selects new members
9707   1/29/97 NEAT discovers asteroid, comet
9706   1/17/97 Ice volcanoes reshape Europa's surface
9705   1/15/97 JPL closed due to high winds
9704   1/15/97 NASA studies new Earth-imaging satellite
9703   1/14/97 Kidsat brings shuttle images to classrooms
9702   1/7/97 JPL hosts lectures on Earth and space exploration
9701   1/3/97 Cassini dons its protective thermal cloak


Victoria Crater

Mars Rovers Near Five Years of Discovery

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Artist concept of Mars Science Lab

Rover Naming Contest

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Artist concept of crew members near lunar lander

To Go Where No Spacecraft Has Gone Before

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Category 5 hurricane Katrina

Study Links Severe Storm Increases, Global Warming

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Kepler spacecraft

Kepler Spacecraft Ready to Ship to Florida

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