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6/20/80 Martian Meteorological Phenomena
1/17/80 NASA Honor Awards Ceremony
1/18/80 Multimedia Shows On Space Exploration And History Opened To The Public
3/3/80 Dr. Gates Named Deputy Assistant Laboratory Director For Technical Division
3/18/80 International Colloquium On The Satellites Of Jupiter
3/21/80 NASA's Deep Space Network Control Center Opened To The Public
4/2/80 Viking Lander 2 Mission Concluded
4/21/80 Jupiter Explorations Exhibition
5/27/80 Martian Frost
5/6/80 JPL Open House
5/12/80 Norman R. Haynes Appointed Manager Of Systems Division
5/20/80 Rotation Period Of Saturn Determined
7/9/80 Viking Orbiter 1 Approaches Its Mission End
7/22/80 Solar Energy Fluctuations Detected
8/7/80 Viking Orbiter 1 Mission Concluded
3/17/81 Rep. Flippo Will Hold Nasa 1982 Fiscal Hearing
9/22/82 Sixteenth Photovoltaic Specialists Conference
10/25/82 Seasat Images Show Major Geologic Features
2/1/82 Four New Satellites Of Saturn Found
??? Shuttle Multispectral Infrared Radiometer (SMIRR)
4/20/82 Link Between Sun's Energy Output And Earth's Weather
4/20/82 Link Between Sun's Energy Output And Earth's Weather Update
5/10/82 JPL Scientist Works With Art Conservators
4/2/82 Memorandum Of Understanding Between Caltech & The U.S. Army Established
4/20/82 New Asteroid Found
4/22/82 Viking Orbiters Photographs Processed
4/22/82 Astronomers Observes Cygnus X-3
5/20/82 VLBI Project
6/1/82 New Technique For Dating Volcanic Rocks
5/26/82 USC & JPL Initiate Cooperative Biomedical Research
6/23/82 JPL's Radio Club Relays Space Shuttle Columbia Launch
8/21/82 International Halley Watch
9/22/82 Sixteenth Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Update
11/1/82 Seasat Reveals Major Geologic Features
10/25/82 Map Of The Southwest Pacific Produced
10/28/82 Annual American Heritage Week
11/26/82 Shuttle Imaging Radar-A Acquires New Geologic Information
11/26/82 Shuttle Multispectral Infrared Radiometer Detects Clay And Carbonite-Bearing Minerals
12/9/82 NASA's Space Shuttle Discovers Rich Ore Deposits In Mexico
2/21/83 Iras Reveals Large Magellanic Cloud
4/12/83 Attempts To Communicate To Viking Lander 1 Concluded
4/18/83 Object Emitting High-energy Gamma Radiation Found In The Milky Way
4/27/83 JPL Waits For First Transmissions Of Viking 1 Since November
5/5/83 Viking Backgrounder
4/27/83 JPL Waits For First Transmissions Of Viking 1 Since November Update
5/4/83 New Comet Discovered
9/8/83 Teachers Complete Summer Employment Program
11/9/83 Iras Discovers New Phenomena's
11/9/83 Iras Discovers New Phenomena's Update
11/9/83 Iras Discovers New Object
11/9/83 Iras Discovers New Object Update
11/22/83 Iras Mission Concluded
11/30/83 Dr. Richard A. Montgomery Appointed Director Of The Arroyo Center
12/8/83 Lt. Gen. Charles H. Terhune Retires
12/16/83 Iras Data Reveals 2nd Star


Victoria Crater

Mars Rovers Near Five Years of Discovery

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Artist concept of Mars Science Lab

Rover Naming Contest

Contest details

Artist concept of crew members near lunar lander

To Go Where No Spacecraft Has Gone Before

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Category 5 hurricane Katrina

Study Links Severe Storm Increases, Global Warming

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Kepler spacecraft

Kepler Spacecraft Ready to Ship to Florida

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