Table 63

Arrest Trends
Suburban Areas1
by Sex, 2006-2007
[5,627 agencies; 2007 estimated population 86,451,220; 2006 estimated population 85,771,943]
Offense charged Male Female
Total Under 18 Total Under 18
2006 2007 Percent change 2006 2007 Percent change 2006 2007 Percent change 2006 2007 Percent change
TOTAL2 2,733,568 2,702,863 -1.1 393,703 382,470 -2.9 855,709 868,703 +1.5 155,430 155,054 -0.2
Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter 2,186 2,141 -2.1 184 184 0.0 315 263 -16.5 9 15 +66.7
Forcible rape 5,635 5,353 -5.0 884 886 +0.2 81 56 -30.9 14 16 +14.3
Robbery 19,465 19,039 -2.2 5,233 4,966 -5.1 2,271 2,396 +5.5 469 493 +5.1
Aggravated assault 79,699 78,049 -2.1 10,921 10,513 -3.7 19,779 20,229 +2.3 3,215 3,041 -5.4
Burglary 62,213 62,110 -0.2 18,469 17,480 -5.4 9,791 9,763 -0.3 2,102 2,049 -2.5
Larceny-theft 160,621 167,611 +4.4 40,544 41,559 +2.5 94,118 107,533 +14.3 25,196 28,055 +11.3
Motor vehicle theft 21,692 18,714 -13.7 5,028 4,318 -14.1 4,804 4,210 -12.4 1,119 983 -12.2
Arson 3,811 3,641 -4.5 2,049 1,927 -6.0 696 598 -14.1 283 257 -9.2
Violent crime3 106,985 104,582 -2.2 17,222 16,549 -3.9 22,446 22,944 +2.2 3,707 3,565 -3.8
Property crime3 248,337 252,076 +1.5 66,090 65,284 -1.2 109,409 122,104 +11.6 28,700 31,344 +9.2
Other assaults 231,700 232,677 +0.4 44,307 43,154 -2.6 79,490 80,920 +1.8 21,797 21,104 -3.2
Forgery and counterfeiting 16,609 15,028 -9.5 659 563 -14.6 10,555 9,597 -9.1 294 255 -13.3
Fraud 50,251 45,021 -10.4 1,330 1,266 -4.8 44,153 38,673 -12.4 684 695 +1.6
Embezzlement 2,318 2,557 +10.3 223 263 17.9 2,604 2,779 +6.7 156 164 +5.1
Stolen property; buying, receiving, possessing 26,089 24,192 -7.3 4,613 4,380 -5.1 6,233 6,134 -1.6 870 1,047 +20.3
Vandalism 63,348 60,766 -4.1 27,803 26,160 -5.9 11,348 11,580 +2.0 3,984 4,003 +0.5
Weapons; carrying, possessing, etc. 37,740 35,967 -4.7 9,878 9,008 -8.8 3,346 3,134 -6.3 1,178 973 -17.4
Prostitution and commercialized vice 1,951 1,785 -8.5 49 33 -32.7 2,558 2,656 +3.8 60 73 +21.7
Sex offenses (except forcible rape and prostitution) 18,981 18,710 -1.4 3,861 3,729 -3.4 1,180 1,190 +0.8 354 306 -13.6
Drug abuse violations 341,172 334,568 -1.9 41,166 41,158 * 83,613 83,188 -0.5 8,971 8,991 +0.2
Gambling 829 866 +4.5 123 100 -18.7 171 180 +5.3 8 9 +12.5
Offenses against the family and children 36,364 36,393 +0.1 941 1,174 +24.8 8,764 9,180 +4.7 610 673 +10.3
Driving under the influence 345,550 343,939 -0.5 4,394 4,064 -7.5 88,493 91,811 +3.7 1,246 1,266 +1.6
Liquor laws 119,305 117,843 -1.2 27,059 26,183 -3.2 47,015 47,503 +1.0 15,576 15,678 +0.7
Drunkenness 102,833 107,768 +4.8 3,637 3,588 -1.3 20,957 23,075 +10.1 1,389 1,371 -1.3
Disorderly conduct 124,529 123,780 -0.6 38,921 36,932 -5.1 44,326 44,868 +1.2 17,861 17,192 -3.7
Vagrancy 4,005 3,301 -17.6 470 431 -8.3 1,329 971 -26.9 161 151 -6.2
All other offenses (except traffic) 830,658 816,767 -1.7 76,943 74,174 -3.6 247,952 246,810 -0.5 28,057 26,788 -4.5
Suspicion 743 734 -1.2 135 113 -16.3 193 191 -1.0 31 35 +12.9
Curfew and loitering law violations 13,129 13,442 +2.4 13,129 13,442 +2.4 6,337 6,306 -0.5 6,337 6,306 -0.5
Runaways 10,885 10,835 -0.5 10,885 10,835 -0.5 13,430 13,100 -2.5 13,430 13,100 -2.5

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