
District of Columbia

  • 230. H.R. 1905, District of Columbia voting rights. Motion to recommit the bill to the Judiciary Committee with instructions to add language to provide for expedited judicial review of the legislation and provide that any legal action would have to be filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and any decision could be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Yes. Failed 193-227. 4/19/07.
  • 231. H.R. 1905. On passage of the bill to permanently increase the membership of the House of Representatives to 437 by granting a seat to the District of Columbia and an additional seat to Utah, with both seats filled by special election; add one seat for Utah to the electoral college to equal 539 votes, and include a non-severability clause providing that if any provision in the legislation is invalidated by a court, all remaining provisions would also be invalid. Yes. Passed 241-177. 4/19/07.
  • 342. H.R. 1124, to reauthorize the District of Columbia College Access Act providing public school and private school tuition assistance grant programs for FY 2008-2012. Yes. Passed 268-100, under suspension of rules. 5/14/07.