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Cultural Resources Publications

Publications about Reclamation’s cultural resources program and/or written by Reclamation cultural resources staff follow. Some of the works appear in published journals or books, other titles are “gray literature” that are available primarily through interlibrary loan.

Many of the articles available on this site are in Adobe ® Acrobat (.pdf) PDF format. You may download Adobe Acrobat software free of charge at www.adobe.com.

Articles about Reclamation's CRM Program

Read the papers from the symposium, Over Fifty Years of Dam Good Archaeology, presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, March 1998.

Many of these papers were revised and, later, published in the National Park Service’s CRM volume entitled Dam Good Archeology.

Cover of Dam Good Archeology

CRM at the Bureau of Reclamation by Ed Friedman and Brit Allan Storey. Published in the National Park Service Bulletin CRM , Volume 22, No. 4, 1999.

Selected Publications by Reclamation CRM Staff

New Publication

The Bureau of Reclamation's Architectural Legacy:  1902-1955
by Christine Pfaff
This book is the first comprehensive study to focus entirely on Reclamation's building design, approval, and construction process; illustrations of the various types, styles, and materials employed; and information on extant as well as vanished examples.

"A Brief History of Salado Archaeology" by Thomas R. Lincoln. Chapter in Salado , ed. Jeffry S. Dean, Amerind Foundation New World Studies Series; No. 4, 7-27, Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 2000.

"A Woman's Rise to Prominence" by Christine Pfaff. Published in Prologue, Vol. 29, No. 3, Fall 1997.

" Accountability in the Management of Federally Associated Archaeological Collections " by Bobbie Ferguson and Myra Giesen. Published in Museum Anthropology , Vol. 23, No. 2, Fall 1999. Used by permission. Copyright 1999, American Anthropological Association. All rights reserved.

"Caught in the Middle; The State Historic Preservation Office Role in Federal Regulations " by J. Signe Snortland. Published in Plains Anthropologist , Vol. 44, No. 170, Memoir 31, 1999. Used by permission. Copyright 1999, Board of Directors, Plains Anthropological Society. All rights reserved.

"Consultation between the Bureau of Reclamation and the Pawnee Tribe " by Robert K. Blasing. Published in Plains Anthropologist , Vol. 44, No. 170, Memoir 31, pp. 13-24, 1999. Used by permission. Copyright 1999, Board of Directors, Plains Anthropological Society. All rights reserved.

"Extending Public Benefits: Retiring the Daniel Irrigation Company Transbasin Diversion Facilities" by Ralph Swanson and Barbara Blackshear. Paper given at U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage Conference, Denver, CO, June 28, 2001 . Published in the Proceedings of the 2001 U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, 2001.

" Happy Days of the Depression: The Civilian Conservation Corps in Colorado " by Christine Pfaff. Published in Colorado Heritage , Spring 2001. Used by permission. Copyright 2001, Colorado Historical Society. All rights reserved.

  Harvests of Plenty: A History of the Yakima Irrigation Project, Washington by Christine Pfaff . Bureau of Reclamation, June 2002.


"Indians, Reclamation, and Historic Preservation " by Kimball Banks. Published in Plains Anthropologist , Vol. 44, No. 170, Memoir 31, 1999. Used by permission. Copyright 1999 Board of Directors, Plains Anthropological Society. All rights reserved.

"Introduction: The Management of Federal Archaeological Collections " by Myra Giesen. Published in Museum Anthropology , Vol. 23, No. 2, Fall 1999. Used by permission. Copyright 1999, American Anthropological Association. All rights reserved.

" Portraits of Reclamation" by Leslie Stinger and Bobbie Ferguson. Published in CRM No. 4, 1999.

"Safeguarding Hoover Dam During World War II" by Christine Pfaff. Published in Prologue, V. 35, No. 2, Summer 2003.

" The Shoshone Irrigation Project: Educational Exhibits as Mitigation" by Mike Andrews. Published in CRM , No. 3, 1999.

"The University of Wyoming Archaeological Repository and Federal Agencies: A Multilateral Partnership " by Brad Coutant and Judith Brown. Published in Museum Anthropology , Vol. 23, No. 2, Fall 1999. Used by permission. Copyright 1999, American Anthropological Association. All rights reserved.

Other Selected Publications About Reclamation's Cultural Resources

Archaeological and Historical Investigations for the Horsetooth Safety of Dams Project, Larimer County , Colorado : Results of Data Recovery at Three Historic Sites by Gordon C. Tucker Jr. et al .
Denver, CO : URS, September 15, 2003 . This publication is available online at: http://www.usbr.gov/gp/ecao/horsetooth/horsetooth_site/.

"Inventions and Patents for the Public Good: The Needle Valve Program of the Bureau of Reclamation" by Jeffrey A. Hess. Published in The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology 22 (No. 1, 1996): 35-49.

Medicine Creek: Seventy Years of Archaeological Investigations . Edited by Donna C. Roper. Tuscaloosa , Alabama : University of Alabama Press, 2002.

"U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Columbia Basin Photographic Collection Resource Guide" by Steven Denton. Museology Program Special Publication Number One. University of Washington, 1999.

Vanishing River: Landscapes and Lives of the Lower Verde Valley : The Archaeological Project, Overview, Synthesis, and Conclusions . Edited by M. Whittlesey, Richard Ciolek-Torrello, and Jeffrey H. Altschul. Tucson : SRI Press, 1997.

Unpublished Reports and Studies

Reclamation's cultural resources staff and contractors produce a vast number of reports to document cultural resources work accomplished to fulfill Federal legislative mandates (create link to our legislative mandates page). These reports range in size from a few pages to multi-page volumes.

Visit the National Archeological Database (NADB), Reclamation Reports module, to search a bibliography of cultural resources studies, mostly of limited circulation. This "gray literature" represents a large portion of the primary information available on archeological sites in the United States. NADB-Reclamation Reports can be searched by a variety of fields including keyword, author, title, state, county, work type, cultural affiliation, and year of publication. Reclamation currently has over 4,500 entries in NADB and continues to add data.

If you want to learn more about the Bureau of Reclamation's history, visit selected bibliographic on Reclamation's History Program website.

Contact Chris Pfaff for comments, feedback, or questions.
For site problems, please contact Connie Van Deventer.

Site Last Updated July 21, 2008