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The Pacific Northwest Cooperative
Agricultural Weather Network


AgriMet Historical Dayfile Data Access
(Hourly and 15 Minute Data)

NOTE: This form retrieves both hourly and 15 minute weather observations for the selected station, time period, and parameters, returning 96 records for each day selected. File sizes and download time vary accordingly, so please consider the potential volume of data when you choose your time period. Many values, such as air temperature and relative humidity, are instantaneous values at the time of observation. Other observations, such as solar radiation, wind run, and precipitation, are cumulative values. Wind speed and wind direction are average values for the reporting period (typically 15 minutes).

For hourly data retrieval only (top of the hour), click on the Hourly Data Retrieval webpage.

For a list of available parameters at each station, check the AgriMet Station Instrumentation page.

For a description of the weather parameters, check the Key to Hourly Weather Parameters page.


BEGIN DATE     Year: Month: Day:

END DATE         Year: Month: Day:


Weather Parameters Available at Most AgriMet Stations:
OB = Air Temperature, Instantaneous (degrees F)
TU = Relative Humidity, Instantaneous (percent)
TP = Dew Point Temperature, Instantaneous (degrees F)
WD = Wind Direction, Mean of Wind Vector (degrees azimuth)
WG = Peak Wind Gust last 15 minutes (mph)
WS = Wind Speed, 15 Min or Hourly Average (mph)
UI = Wind Run, Cumulative (miles)
SQ = Global Solar Radiation, Cumulative (langleys)
SI = Hourly Solar Radiation,(langleys) (since 7/07)
PC = Precipitation, Cumulative (inches of water)

Weather Parameters Available at Specific AgriMet Stations:
BP = Barometric Pressure, Instantaneous (inches mercury) [BNDW,CJDW,DENI,DTRO,GCDW,HCKO,HOXO,KFLW,LBRW,LKPO,MASW,SBMW,SILW]
EH = Pan Evaporation, Cumulative (inches) [HRMO]
PI = Precipitation, Incremental (inches) [ABEI,KTBI,MNTI]
SI2 = Diffuse Solar Radiation, Incremental(langleys) [ABEI,KTBI,MNTI,MRSO,PICI,PMAI,TWFI]
SQ2 = Diffuse Solar Radiation, Cumulative (langleys) [CHVO,HRMO,MRSO,PICI,PMAI,TWFI]
SP = Snow Pillow, Instantaneous (inches of water content) [PICI]
WDS = Wind Direction Standard Deviation (degrees azimuth) [BNDW,CJDW,DENI,DTRO,GCDW,HCKO,KFLW,LBRW,LKPO,SBMW,SILW]

Special Parameters Available at Specific AgriMet Stations:
SL = 1" Soil Temperature, Instantaneous (degrees F)
ZA = 2" Soil Temperature, Instantaneous (3" BRKO) (degrees F)
SW = 4" Soil Temperature, Instantaneous (6" BRKO) (degrees F)
SV = 8" Soil Temperature, Instantaneous (12" BRKO) (degrees F)
ZB = 20" Soil Temperature, Instantaneous (degrees F)
ZC = 40" Soil Temperature, Instantaneous (degrees F)
AU = Crop Canopy Temperature - Shielded, Instantaneous (degrees F) [ARAO,BANO,BRKO,WRDO]
Z1 = Crop Canopy Temperature - Unshielded, Instantaneous (degrees F) [BANO]
YE = Shelter Temperature, Instantaneous (degrees C) [COVM]
LW = Leaf Wetness, Instantaneous (kilo-ohms) [BRKO,DEFO,HOXO,MDFO,PARO,PMAI,PNGO,WRDO]