March 18, 1999

The Honorable Ernest J. Moniz
Acting Deputy Secretary of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20585-1000

Dear Dr. Moniz:

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Board) held a public meeting on February 3, 1999, to discuss the status of Integrated Safety Management within the Department of Energy (DOE) and to discuss improving the technical capability of federal employees within DOE. During this public meeting, members of the DOE Federal Technical Capability (FTC) Panel briefed the Board regarding progress on the revised Implementation Plan (IP) commitments for Recommendation 93-3, Improving DOE Technical Capability in Defense Nuclear Facilities Program. During the past few months, DOE has submitted several deliverables to satisfy these commitments. The enclosed list shows those IP commitments accepted for closure. Overall, progress on the various IP commitments appears to be spearheaded by the field; however, further attention on the part of two DOE program offices, Defense Programs and Environmental Management, may be required to complete several IP actions.

The Board is pleased with the recently issued DOE Policy 420.1, Federal Technical Capability Policy for Defense Nuclear Facilities, particularly its emphasis on enhanced line management participation in the development and maintenance of a technically competent workforce. The Board acknowledges DOE's efforts to expand the scope of this policy beyond defense nuclear facilities to other DOE programs. This becomes a vital complementary step to the commitment to implementing Integrated Safety Management throughout the DOE complex.

The Board understands that the FTC Panel has generated a number of internal documents to address various aspects of the FTC program. The Board believes a more formal and comprehensive guidance document may be appropriate to speed institutionalization of this program. DOE Standard 1063-97, Establishing and Maintaining a Facility Representative Program at DOE Facilities, provides a good model for developing such a guidance document. Development and implementation of this document would be positive steps toward closure of Recommendation 93-3.


John T. Conway

Mr. Mark B. Whitaker, Jr.


Closure of Commitments under Recommendation 93-3 Implementation Plan



Date First semiannual written report provided to the Board. October 29, 1998
5.2.1 Federal Technical Capability (FTC) Panel Agents designated. May 29, 1998 Charter of roles and responsibilities of the FTC Panel approved by the Deputy Secretary, and first meeting conducted. June 29, 1998
5.2.2 Revised Federal Technical Capability Policy incorporated into DOE's Directives Management System. December 28, 1998
5.2.3 Revised handbook entitled "RECRUITING, HIRING, and RETAINING HIGH QUALITY TECHNICAL STAFF; A Manager's Guide to Administrative Flexibilities" incorporated into DOE's Directives Management System. December 28, 1998
5.4.2 Phase I Assessment Reports provided to the FTC Panel chair. October 29, 1998 Analysis of Phase I Assessment Report completed. February 16, 1999
5.5.1 Policies and procedures incorporated into the Facility Representative Personnel Guide. February 16, 1999 Description produced of how policies and procedures to preserve Facility Representative capabilities and positions have been implemented. November 30, 1998