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News Digest Items - 2006
Last updated October 07, 2008

  • John Mitchell, Deputy Director at Los Alamos National Laboratory retires -- On December 06, Los Alamos National Laboratory Deputy Director, John Mitchell will retire effective December 31, 2006.    [NEWS]

  • Board closed Recommendation 95-2, Safety Management -- On November 21, The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board has closed Recommendation 95-2, Safety Management    [PDF]

  • Dr. Peter S. Winokur Officially Starts as New Board Member -- On October 23, Dr. Peter S. Winokur officially started his term at the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board on October 23rd. The appointment to this position will expire on October 18, 2009.    [BIO]

  • Larry W. Brown Officially Starts as New Board Member -- On October 16, Larry W. Brown officially started his term at the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board on October 16th. The appointment to this position will expire on October 18, 2010.    [BIO]

  • Rear Admiral Gerald L. Talbot, Jr. selected as Nevada Site Office Manager -- On October 12, Thomas P. D'Agostino, Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs announced today that Rear Admiral Gerald L. Talbot, Jr. has been selected to be the new Nevada Site Office Manager. He will start in January 2007.    [NEWS]

  • Congress directs Board and DOE to prepare joint report. -- On September 29, The U.S. Congress directs the Board and the DOE to prepare a joint report on efforts to improve incorporation of safety into design and construction process.    [PDF]

  • The U.S. Senate has confirmed the appointments of John Edward Mansfield, Larry W. Brown, and Peter Stanley Winokur to be Members of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board. -- On September 29, The U.S. Senate has confirmed the appointments of Dr. John Edward Mansfied, Larry W. Brown, and Dr. Peter Stanley Winokur to be Members of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board for a term expiring October 18, 2011, October 18, 2010, and October 18, 2009, respectively.    [HTML]

  • Board Announcement of the Assignment of Mr. Brett Broderick as a Site Representative to the Department's Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. -- On September 15, The Board announced the assignment of Mr. Brett Broderick as a Site Representative at DOE's Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. He will join Dr. Charles Keilers, the Board's current Site Representative in November 2006.    [PDF]

  • President Bush intends to nominate Peter S. Winokur to be a member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board -- On September 05, President George W. Bush intends to nominate Peter S. Winokur to be a member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board for a five year term expiring April 2, 2009.    [NEWS]

  • President Bush intends to nominate John E. Mansfield to be a member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board -- On September 05, President George W. Bush intends to nominate John E. Mansfield to be a member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board for an additional five year term that will expire December 18, 2011.    [NEWS]

  • President Bush intends to nominate Larry W. Brown to be a member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board -- On September 05, President George W. Bush intends to nominate Larry W. Brown to be a member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board for a five year term expiring December 18, 2010.    [NEWS]

  • DOE announces creation of a new office - Office of Health, Safety and Security. -- On August 31, The Department of Energy announced the creation of a new office - Office of Health, Safety and Security.    [NEWS]

  • Our DR-1 office has been temporary moved from room 6H-025 to 6B-128 and 7A-121 in the Forrestal Building due to the sprinkler installation.

  • Principal Deputy Administrator for National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Jerald S. Paul resigns. -- On June 09, Jerald S. Paul, Principal Deputy Administrator for NNSA informed the White House of his intention to resign as Principal Deputy. He will leave in early August.   

  • National Nuclear Security Administration, Office of Defense Programs (NA-10) announces their reorganization. -- On June 08, Thomas P. D'Agostino, Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs announces their reorganization.    [PDF]

  • Integrated Safety Management Best Practices Workshop -- On June 06, The Department announces the Integrated Safety Management (ISM) Best Practices Workshop scheduled for September 12-13, 2006 in Aurora (near Denver) Colorado.    [PDF]

  • DOE Manual 140.1-1B, Interface with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board -- On May 31, We are in the process of revising DOE Manual 140.1-1B, Interface with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.    [PDF]

  • The United States Senate confirmed Edward Sproat as Director of the Office of the Civilian and Radioactive Waste Management -- On May 26, The United States Senate confirmed President Bush's nomination of Edward Sproat as Director of the Office of Civilian and Radioactive Waste Management.    [PDF]

  • The United States Senate confirmed Dr. Raymond L. Orbach as Under Secretary for Science -- On May 26, The United States Senate confirmed President Bush's nomination of Dr. Raymond L. Orbach as Under Secretary for Science. This is a new position established under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to create a higher profile for science at the Department.    [PDF]

  • Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman issues a memorandum regarding relations with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Safety Board -- On May 09, Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman issued a memorandum regarding relations with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board    [PDF]

  • Secretary Bodman's statement on the DOE Employee Concerns Program -- On April 11, Secretary Samuel W. Bodman issued a memorandum for all departmental elements entitled, "Employee Concerns Program Statement".    [PDF]

  • Dennis Spurgeon sworn in as Assistant Secretary of Nuclear Energy -- On April 04, Secretary Samuel W. Bodman announced the swearing in of Dennis Spurgeon as Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy.    [NEWS]

  • Alexander Karsner sworn in as Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy -- On March 23, Secretary Samuel W. Bodman announced the swearing in of Alexander "Andy" Karsner as Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy    [NEWS]

  • Assistant Secretary John Spitaleri Shaw resigns -- On March 10, John Spitaleri Shaw, Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health resigns effective Friday, March 10, 2006.    [NEWS]

  • Thomas P. D'Agostino sworn in as Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs -- On March 01, Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman announced that Thomas P. D'Agostino was sworn in as Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs in the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration.    [NEWS]

  • Board announces Public Meeting for March 22, 2006 -- On February 08, Board announcement of a Public Meeting regarding safety management identified prior to, during suspension, and resumption of operations at DOE Los Alamos National Laboratory.    [PDF]

  • January 10-11, 2006, DOE holds ISM Workshop


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