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USGCRP Archives

November 2000

June-August 2000

Jan-May 2000

Older material is available in
USGCRP Archives, 1990-1999


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November 2000

November 2000 Internet Postings Related to...

Successful Launch of Earth Observing-1 (EO-1)Successful Launch of Earth Observing-1 (EO-1):

More USGS Science at GSA.  Press release (dtd 13 Nov 2000) from EurekAlert. Includes segments on "Mercury in Lake Linked to Climate Change" and "More on African Dust." (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Floods in the United Kingdom heighten climate concerns on eve of Climate Convention talks.

Extensive flooding in the UK.  Landsat 7 scene shows the region surrounding Exeter, England, after the floods. The image was acquired October 30, 2000. Note the extensive flooding along the River Exe (blue pixels). The reddish-brown shapes are agricultural fields

Extensive Floods in United Kingdom.  From NASA's Earth Observatory Newsroom.

Presidential Webcast: Meeting the Challenge of Global Warming, 11 November 2000, 8 am.  "Today, in an address broadcast over the Internet, President Clinton will announce the completion of the first comprehensive assessment of the potential impacts of climate change across the United States, and will call for a comprehensive new clean air strategy that can significantly reduce emissions from U.S. power plants that contribute to global warming" (posted 11 November 2000)

Global warming in the twenty-first century: An alternative scenario. By NASA scientist James Hansen and several of his colleagues (M. Sato, R. Ruedy, A. Lacis and V. Oinas).  Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ( 97: 9875 -- 9880, 29 August 2000). Also available as PDF file.    NASA scientist James Hansen
The paper generated a lot of discussion to which Hansen responds in An Open Letter on Global Warming (dtd 25 October 2000) posted on   Also available as PDF file




November 2000 Internet Postings Related to...
Composition and Chemistry
of the Atmosphere

More on this
 Focus Area

Trifluoromethyl Sulfur Pentafluoride (SF5CF3) and Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) from Dome Concordia.  Dated October 2000, from Trends Online: A Compendium of Data on Global Change, produced by the  Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy (Oak Ridge, Tennessee). (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Massive Smoke Plume in Northern Australia.    Press release (dtd 17 Oct 2000) from CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia).  (posted 6 November 2000)

UC Irvine Study Determines Levels of Ozone-Depleting Gases Emitted by Rice Paddies into Atmosphere.  Press release (dtd 2 November 2000) from EurekAlert. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Ozone Hole Earlier, but Not Deeper in 2000.  Press release (dtd 5 Oct 2000) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). (posted 6 November 2000)


November 2000 Internet Postings Related to...
Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems

More on this
 Focus Area

"River of Smoke" Plagues African Air Quality.  Article (dtd 28 Nov 2000) from NASA's Earth Observatory News.  See also:  Unprecedented Fire Season in Southern Africa Aids Air Quality, Climate Change Research.  Press release (dtd 28 Nov 2000) from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Safari 2000.  (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Errant Penguins

Cold water off Brazil might be causing Argentine penguin nest failures.  Press release (dtd 28 Nov 2000) from EurekAlert.  (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Audio file.Morning Edition, 21  Nov 2000.  Penguins on the Beach (14.4 | 28.8).  "NPR's Martin Kaste reports penguins from Argentina and the Falkland Islands are invading Rio de Janeiro's beaches. Many locals are adopting the birds as pets but scientists are concerned about why they've suddenly appeared." (4:31)  Transcript and/or tape available from NPR Tapes and Transcripts P.O. Box 4370 Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20775-4370.  Tel (toll free, US & Canada): 1 888 677 6397.   Tel (international): +1 301 883 2178.  See online details, including e-mail order form.    (link posted 5 Dec 2000)

Global Warming: Lessons Taught by Snails and Crabs.  Press release (dtd 15 Nov 2000) from Stanford University. "[A]cting director of Stanford's Hopkins Marine Station, [George] Somero has to walk only a few dozen steps from his lab to the waters of Monterey Bay, where he and other marine biologists have found disturbing signs that higher ocean temperatures have transformed wildlife populations in the Pacific." (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Coral Reefs

Global Coral Reef Monitoring Now Feasible.  Article (dtd 25 Oct 2000) from NASA's Earth Observatory. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Scientists Declare Global Warming and Human Impacts are Combining Destructive Forces on Coral Reefs. Press release (dtd 30 October 2000) from EurekAlert. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Climate Change and Human Impacts Are Damaging the World's Coral Reefs, NOAA Reports.  Press release (dtd 1 Nov 2000) from NOAA. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Audio file.Science Friday, 27 October 2000.  Coral Reefs [initial part of radio program].  "an alarming series of reports from conference on coral reefs taking place this week in Indonesia says that, unless action is taken now, there may not be any reefs left in 25 years. We'll find out why some scientists are saying that reefs are on the rocks - a combination of human neglect, and rising ocean temperatures."  Audio tape available from NPR Audience Services, 635 Massachusetts, NW, Washington, DC 20001. Tel: +1 202 414 3232. Fax: +1 202 414 3046.  Order Transcript. 

Wild salmon vulnerable to climate change, Science study reports.  Press release (dtd 26 Oct 2000) from EurekAlert.  (posted 6 November 2000)

Climate change, fishing, alter salmon abundance.  Press release (dtd 20 Oct 2000) from Alaska Sea Grant.  (posted 6 November 2000)


November 2000 Internet Postings Related to...
Carbon Cycle Science 

More on this
 Focus Area


Higher Economic Growth Boosts Forecasts of Energy Demand and Carbon Dioxide Emissions.  Press release (dtd 28 Nov 2000) from the US Energy Information Administration.  (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Audio file.National Public Radio (NPR), All Things Considered, 9 November 2000.  Global Warming (14.4 | 28.8) -- "NPR's Richard Harris reports on new research that both illuminates and further complicates the picture of how the Earth is warming. It's long been thought that forests mitigate the warming effect of the earth, and that as the amount of carbon in the atmosphere grows, more trees will grow. But this built-in braking system on warming may not take place. More trees cause the earth to reflect less solar radiation and absorb more. The findings make calculating future temperatures even more complicated." (4:30)   Transcript and/or tape available from NPR Tapes and Transcripts P.O. Box 4370 Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20775-4370.  Tel (toll free, US & Canada): 1 888 677 6397.   Tel (international): +1 301 883 2178.  See online details, including e-mail order form.  

North American Land Use Has Had Major Impact on Global Environment.  Article (dtd 10 Nov 2000) from NASA's Earth Observatory. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Office of Biological and Environmental Research Weekly Report (dtd November 2, 2000).  This US Dept of Energy weekly includes brief discussion of the implementation of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement program (ARM) Portable CO2 Flux Tower.  (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States 1999 - Executive Summary.  Report (issued 31 Oct 2000) from the US DOE. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

New National Land Cover Dataset Now Available.  Press release (dtd 4 October 2000) from US Geological Survey (USGS).  (posted 6 November 2000)



November 2000 Internet Postings Related to
Human Dimensions
of Global Change

More on this
 Focus Area

IIASA releases scientific study linking population growth to climate change. Press release (dtd 28 Nov 2000) from  EurekAlert.  (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Population and Climate Change.  Press release (dtd 7 Nov 2000) from EurekAlert. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Currents of Change: Impacts of El Nino and La Nina on Climate and Society (2nd edition).  Brief description, with table of contents, of this book (published November 2000) by Michael Glantz.  (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Developing Countries: Prepare Now for Next El Niño, Says UN Study Led by NC.  Feature article (dtd Nov 2000) from UCAR. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

The Oceans Are Coming Ashore [PDF].  Article (dtd November/December 2000) from World Watch magazine. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Currents of Change: Impacts of El Niño and La Niña on Climate and Society. (PDF)  Second edition of book  (Cambridge University Press) by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) senior scientist Michael Glantz.  See also description and chapter contents.(posted 11 November 2000)

Rising Carbon Dioxide - - Not to be Sneezed At.   Press release (dtd 24 Oct 2000) from CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia).  (posted 6 November 2000)

Population and Wealth, More than Climate, Drive Soaring Costs of U.S. Flood.  Press Release (dtd 19 Oct 2000) from National Center for Atmospheric Research.  (posted 6 November 2000)

Vector-Borne Diseases


November 2000 Internet Postings Related to...
Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

More on this
 Focus Area

Patterns of Global Climate Change over Recent Centuries Reported by NOAA and University Scientists.  Article (dtd 21 Nov 2000) from NOAA. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Impurities in Biominerals Reveal Key to Understanding Climate Change, Will lead to Novel Materials.  Press release (dtd 9 Nov 2000) from EurekAlert. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Scripps Scientist Awarded Packard Fellowship to Study Climate Change.  Press release (dtd 7 Nov 2000) from EurekAlert. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Scientists Use the Past as a Guide to Future Climate Change.  Press release (dtd 4 Oct 2000) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  (posted 6 November 2000)


November 2000 Internet Postings Related to...
Understanding the 
Earth's Climate System

More on this
 Focus Area

The Arctic...

 Enormous Antarctic Icebergs.
Photos Available: Enormous Antarctic Icebergs.  Press release from NSF/OLPA. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Scientists back El Niño network in Indian Ocean.  Press release (dtd 14 Nov 2000) from CSIRO. (link posted 30 Nov 2000).  See also Scientists Propose "El Nino" Network in Indian Ocean.  Press release (dtd 16 Nov 2000) from the University of Colorado at Boulder. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Confidence in Projections of Future Climate Change Improves.  Press release (dtd 30 Oct 2000) from Australian Bureau of Meteorology. (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

A Climatology of Recent Extreme Weather and Climate Events (PDF File).  "This 17-page report [released 25 Oct 2000] provides an overview, details, and graphics for 46 weather events during 1980-1999, each of which caused at least $1 billion in damages. The report also relates the events to population changes, increasing risk in disaster-prone areas, and effects of climate change."

Forecasting the Future: El Niño. [video file].  Produced in 1998 by NOAA's Office of Global Programs.  A Spanish version, "Pronosticando El Futuro: El Niño, also is available.

Earth's Fidgeting Climate.  Article (dtd 20 October 2000) from Science@NASA  (posted 6 November 2000)

Extreme Weather Events on the Rise as Greenhouse Gases Drive Climate.  Press release (dtd 6 October 2000) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).  (posted 6 November 2000)

Recent Climatic Conditions:


November 2000 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Water Cycle

More on this
 Focus Area


The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change for the Water Resources of the United States (1.8MB PDF file).  Report (released December 2000) from the US National Assessment: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change

US Dept of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research Weekly Report (dtd November 8, 2000).  Briefly discusses establishment of  network that uses Global Positioning System receivers and "will provide the most comprehensive database ever created on the regional scale variability of atmospheric water vapor." (link posted 30 Nov 2000)

Atmospheric Pollution and World's Rainfall.  Press release (dtd 25 Oct 2000) from CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia).  (posted 6 November 2000)

NOAA's Environmental Satellites Provide Early Warning of Drought to Countries Around the World.  Press release (dtd 17 Oct 2000) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  (posted 6 November 2000)

U.S. and Russian Arctic Climate Data Released, NOAA and National Snow and Ice Data Center Announce.  Press release (dtd 13 Oct 2000) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  (posted 6 November 2000)


June-August 2000

June-August 2000 Internet Postings Related to...

Climate Change Impacts on the United States. The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change (US National Assessment):

June-August 2000 Internet Postings Related to...
Composition and Chemistry
of the Atmosphere

More on this
 Focus Area


What's Happening To Stratospheric Ozone Over The Arctic, And Why? Background information for USGCRP Seminar held 31 July 2000) (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

A new potent greenhouse gas of industrial origin has been discovered in the atmosphere.  Press release (dtd 27 July 2000) from EurekAlert. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

June-August 2000 Internet Postings Related to...
Biology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems

More on this
 Focus Area

Arctic Temperatures Warmest In Past Four Centuries.  Press release (dtd 9 Aug 2000) from NASA's Earth Observatory. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

Duke study shows carbon dioxide boosts pine tree reproduction.  Press release (8 Aug 2000) from EurekAlert. (link posted 15 Aug 2000).

USGS Diagnoses Causes of Many U.S. Amphibian Die-Offs.  News Release (dtd 8 Aug 2000) from USGS . (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

Bibliography on CO2 Effects on Vegetation and Ecosystems:1990-1999 Literature.  Document (dtd July 2000) posted by CDIAC. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

June-August 2000 Internet Postings Related to...
Carbon Cycle Science 

More on this
 Focus Area

Strong Indications for Slow-Down in Deforestation.  Press Release (dtd 8 Aug 2000) from UN FAO. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

pdate on U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Initiative.  Article (dtd 27 June 2000) in Eos Transactions.

New books from Cambridge University Press:

3-5 October 2000.  Raleigh, North Carolina.  Advances in Terrestrial Ecosystem  Carbon Inventory, Measurements and Monitoring.  Sponsor: US Department of Agriculture and Others.  Contact: Steven McNulty, USDA Forest Service, Southern Global Change Program, 920 Main Campus Drive, Venture Center II, Raleigh, North Carolina 27606. Tel: +1 919 515 9489. Fax: +1 919 513 2978.
E-mail:   (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

June-August 2000 Internet Postings Related to...
Human Dimensions
of Global Change

More on this
 Focus Area

Lessons for a New Millennium.  Article (dtd 14 July 2000) in Science Magazine. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

Vector-Borne Diseases

June-August 2000 Internet Postings Related to...
Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

More on this
 Focus Area

Causes of Climate Change Over the Past 1000 Years.  Article (dtd 14 July 2000) in Science Magazine. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

Climate Clues in the Ice.  Feature (dtd 12 July 2000) from NASA Earth Observatory. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

Climate Warming of the 20th Century in the Context of Historical and Geological Records of Past Climate Changes.  Background information for USGCRP seminar held 14 June 2000. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

June-August 2000 Internet Postings Related to...
Understanding the 
Earth's Climate System

More on this
 Focus Area

Tropical Waters in Northern Hemisphere Heating at an Accelerated Rate, NOAA Reports.  Press release (dtd 28 July 2000) from NOAA. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

Tracking Eddies that Feed the Sea.  NASA Earth Observatory Feature (dtd 18 July 2000).  (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

Shadows of Doubt: Modeling Cloud Effects.  Feature (dtd, 17 July 2000) from NASA Earth Observatory. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

Protracted cooling could camouflage effects of global warming.  Press release (dtd 17 July 2000) from EurekAlert. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

Recent Climatic Conditions:


June-August 2000 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Water Cycle

More on this
 Focus Area

Rain Raises Great Lakes Levels, Still Below Average, Say NOAA Scientists.  Press release (dtd 2 Aug 2000) from NOAA. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

Snow Job for Eye in the Sky.  Article (dtd 2 Aug 2000) from (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

NASA satellite sees a lot less snow in North America.  Press release (dtd 27 July 2000) from NASA. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

Terra Verifies Less Snow in Winter of 1999/2000.  Press release (dtd 26 July 2000) from NASA. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

Rapid Thinning of Greenland Ice Detected.  Press Release (dtd 20 July 2000) from NASA. (link posted 15 Aug 2000)

Horizontal blue line.

Jan-May 2000

USGCRP Seminars,  Background Documents:

NASA's Draft Earth Science Enterprise Research Strategy Plan 2000 - 2010 The Research Strategy is one of a family of strategy documents being published to guide the Earth Science Enterprise for the new decade. Underpinning this Research Strategy is a set of thematic chapters describing the planned activities under the principal research themes, which altogether constitute the Enterprise's Science Implementation Plan. Download this document:.pdf (159K) | .txt (148K) | .doc (278K)


Older material is available in
USGCRP Archives, 1990-1999



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