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Trade is vital to the economy of the Arkansas.  Over 600,000 Arkansas jobs depend on exports. Over 1,500 companies – including 1,00 plus small and medium-sized businesses – export from Arkansas. Because of this, it is essential to maintain and encourage fair and open trade in international markets.

I believe Congress has a responsibility to help open different trade avenues to the nation’s producers. Congress did pass NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, in 1993, which helped raise poultry exports in America from $188 million to $243 million. However, I believe there is more work to be done, more markets to open. For this reason, I supported and Congress passed a bill granting Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to President Bush.

TPA gives the president a stronger hand when it comes to negotiating trade agreements with our friends in the world community. Since TPA lapsed in 1994, America has stood on the sidelines while countries worldwide have brokered trade agreements that benefit their workers, their businesses and their economies. TPA allows the President to pursue trade agreements to benefit America’s farmers, workers, producers, and families. The result will be new markets for America’s exporters and job security for 12 million Americans whose work depends on exports.

But free trade must be fair. When trade agreements are followed to the letter, American workers and consumers reap the benefits. However, if our partners don't abide by the rules that are agreed upon, American jobs are at risk. I will work with my colleagues in Congress and the Administration to ensure that we have free, but fair trade policies in effect.

President Bush stated “Open trade is not just an economic opportunity, it is a moral imperative.” I believe this is true. Open trade will promote democracy and help to improve political and personal freedom in many of the underdeveloped countries across the globe. I will continue to support efforts to open markets to U.S. goods while I serve in Congress, but in doing so, will continue to work to ensure that our partners trade fairly.

Congressional Research Service Reports:

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) is part of the legislative branch of the federal government. CRS, which is a department of the Library of Congress, works exclusively as a nonpartisan analytical, research, and reference arm for Congress.

CRS Reports are in PDF format. In order to view these files, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC. You can download the free reader from Adobe's website. These files may be rather large and may take a few minutes to download.

Trade, Trade Barriers, and Trade Deficits: Implications for U.S. Economic Welfare

Trade Agreements: Impact on the U.S. Economy

Trade Negotiations During the 109th Congress

Trade Agreements: Procedure for Congressional Approval and Implementation

Trade Promotion Authority and Fast-Track Negotiating Authority for Trade Agreements: Major Votes

Related Documents:

Press Release - Boozman Honored by Manufacturers 10.15.2008

Press Release - Boozman Leads Delegation to South American 8.6.2008

Press Release - Three Arkansas House Members Participate in Official Diplomatic Mission to Afghanistan 6.3.2008

Media Advisory - Congressman Boozman Honorary Co-Host 3.6.2008

Press Release - Boozman Announces Arkansas Appropriations 12.18.2007

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