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Health Care

During the twenty-six years that I practiced optometry in Rogers, I saw incredible changes in the health care field.  Today's medicines and treatments have given people a longer lease on life and for that we should be grateful.

However, these changes have come with a price.  Recent trends in the health care industry show a staggering increase in cost, both to the provider and the recipient, that threaten our health care infrastructure.  This is especially true in rural areas, where access to quality health care services are limited.

In recent years, we have taken steps in the House of Representatives to try to address this crisis. We passed legislation that would limit medical malpractice abuse; upgrade our rural healthcare infrastructure; allow small businesses to pool together and purchase affordable insurance plans for their employees; and to promote the use of tax-free health savings accounts. We have prohibited massive cuts to Medicare reimbursements for physicians and worked to implement a new Medicare prescription drug plan that is helping more seniors than ever before. Lastly, we have placed a large focus on promoting medical research, disease awareness, and preventative medicine.
Nevertheless, we still have more work to do. We must not lose sight of the fact that many of our poorest families have no health care coverage, seniors are still struggling to find doctors who will treat Medicare patients, and that a number of diseases, like diabetes and cancer, are still running rampant.
My background as both a small business owner and a health care provider gives me a good perspective from which to work with my colleagues in Congress to lower the costs of quality health care for all Americans. We are committed to making this a top priority in the 111th Congress and it is my hope that the Senate will join us in making these much needed reforms to our healthcare system.

Congressional Research Service Reports:

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) is part of the legislative branch of the federal government. CRS, which is a department of the Library of Congress, works exclusively as a nonpartisan analytical, research, and reference arm for Congress.

CRS Reports are in PDF format. In order to view these files, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC. You can download the free reader from Adobe's website. These files may be rather large and may take a few minutes to download.

Health Care Spending: Context and Policy

Health Savings Accounts: Overview of Rules for 2006

Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts

Medical Malpractice Liability Reform: H.R. 5, 109th Congress

U.S. and International Responses to the Global Spread of Avian Flu: Issues for Congress

Related Documents:

Press Release - Boozman: SCHIP Legislation Fails Children 1.14.2009

Press Release - Boozman's Heat Illness Awareness Resolution Passes House 7.30.2008

Press Release - Boozman Calls for Changes to Medicare Reimbursements to Pharmacies 5.21.2008

Press Release - Boozman tours Walter Reed to see military eye care program 5.19.2008

Press Release - Arkansas lawmakers announce University of Arkansas grant 5.15.2008

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Related Files:

Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Worksheet

Walter Reed Morning Hour Speech (March 12, 2007)