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Arkansas has seen a rise in drug trafficking in and out of the state in recent years. Cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin and marijuana are all abused in our state.  We are also suffering from the introduction of club drugs and OxyContin in recent years.  As a member of the Congressional Caucus to Fight and Control Methamphetamines, I know that the biggest illegal drug problem in Arkansas is the production, distribution and abuse of methamphetamine.  

An informal survey of Third District law enforcement and public officials found that 70% of all crime in the Third District is somehow connected to methamphetamine. This is liable to continue to rise if we don't act. We need a three-prong approach to solve this problem – education or demand reduction, strong punishments for offenders and rehabilitation of addicts. This three-pronged approach reflects a balanced, proactive policy that encourages people not to use drugs and gives addicts a chance to change their lives. 

As a member of the congressional Task Force for a Drug Free America, I have worked hard to give law enforcement and our communities the tools they need to prevent and stop illegal drug abuse.

  • The Boozman Amendment –Defending Children of Substance Abusers and Promoting Innovative Drug Courts
On March 9, 2006, the House of Representatives passed the Boozman Amendment to the “Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act”.   My amendment provides for two simple actions by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).  First, the amendment requires ONDCP to study and assess trends relating to the effects of illicit drug use on children of substance abusers. This information will assist Congress, as well as States, local governments and private groups, as we work to protect these children.

The second part of my amendment requires ONDCP to conduct a study on drug court programs that hold hearings in nontraditional public places, such as schools.  The mission of a drug court is to provide an alternative to incarceration for nonviolent persons convicted of alcohol or other drug-related charges.  In order to reduce demand and deter our kids from getting involved in illegal drugs, we must make sure they understand the consequences of drug abuse.  We spend a lot of time and money talking to kids about the repercussions of drug abuse, but this type of program allows us to show them the consequences.  By having ONDCP study this concept, I am laying the groundwork for other jurisdictions across the country to begin implementing it.

The Boozman Amendment was signed into law in December 2006.
  • Drug Courts Improvement Act Provisions
Additionally, I authored language in the “Methamphetamine Epidemic Elimination Act” that will strengthen testing of Drug Court participants around the country.  President Bush signed it into law on March 9, 2006.  The bill was based on the excellent work of Arkansas’ drug court judges.
  • Focusing Anti-Drug Advertising on Meth – The Boozman / Rehberg / Terry Amendment
I co-authored an Amendment to the ONDCP Reauthorization bill that would ensure that no less than 10 percent of national anti-drug “Media Campaign” funds will be spent on advertisements specifically intended to reduce meth abuse.  Also, the Amendment grants ONDCP the authority to award grants to private entities producing research-based public service messages, with the goal of reducing first-time meth use among young people.
  • Providing Resources for Arkansas Law Enforcement
I have been one of the leaders in Congress fighting, in a bipartisan way, to preserve funding for our Drug Task Forces.  The Byrne-JAG Formula funds that support Arkansas’ Drug Task Forces must be defended from cuts.  I also worked with the rest of our state Congressional Delegation to ensure that the “Arkansas Meth Hot Spots Initiative” and our state’s “Criminal Justice Institute program for Methamphetamine Education and Training” receive priority consideration for funding from the COPS Program Office in consultation with DEA.
  • Hosted “Ice in the Ozarks” Anti-Meth Hearing with Chairman Mark Souder on June 28, 2004.
I hosted a hearing of the House Government Reform Subcommittee on Drug Policy in Bentonville, Arkansas, where over a dozen law enforcement officials from across the state were able to present testimony regarding the meth problem to this pivotal Congressional Committee.
  • Secured a HIDTA designation for Arkansas
In 2008, Benton and Washington Counties were designated as “High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas.” This allows for additional federal assistance in the fight against illegal drugs. The HIDTA program enhances and coordinates drug control efforts among local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.  I am working with the Arkansas Congressional Delegation to expand the Gulf Coast HIDTA into other areas of the state, or to find other ways to bring additional federal resources to bear in the fight against drugs in Arkansas.

Related Documents:

Press Release - Arkansas Lawmakers Announce Funds for Benton County Drug Court 9.10.2008

Press Release - Drug Free Community Coalitions Receive Funds for Benton and Madison Counties 9.9.2008

Press Release - Drug Prevention Grants Awarded to Fayetteville and Fort Smith 7.28.2008

Press Release - Three Arkansas House Members Participate in Official Diplomatic Mission to Afghanistan 6.3.2008

Press Release - New Counties Designated as High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas 2.20.2008

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Related Files:

Stop Marketing Illegal Drugs to Minors Act - Audio

Stop Marketing Illegal Drugs to Minors Act