3rd District Issues
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Congressman Boozman and his daughter Lauren speaking with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi during Oath of Office
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3rd District Issues

The Third District of Arkansas is a unique region with unique needs. The district is home to several of the world’s largest employers; Arkansas’ flagship university; its own World Trade Center; numerous family farmers; some of the nation’s most productive manufacturing plants; a thriving retirement community; and some of America’s most beautiful forests, lakes and hills. The needs of the community are as diverse as the people that make it up.

As the representative of the Third District of Arkansas, I am committed to using my office to continue making our state a great place to live. I will work to help the Third District manage the pressures that our region’s growth has created, lure more quality jobs to our communities, protect our natural resources and uphold the values that my constituents hold so dearly.

110th Congress

Here are some of my goals for the 110th Congress:

  • Legislation designating US Highway 71 as the future route of Interstate 49
The designation of US-71 as I-49 is the next step toward the eventual completion of the route, which will not only benefit the 3rd District, but the whole of Arkansas. We will show that we are serious about making Interstate 49 a reality. I-49 will not only be a benefit to trade and transportation for the nation, but the interstate will be a direct connection between the District and the port of New Orleans – representing a significant asset we can use to deliver the products of the 3rd District to the world.

  • Legislation designating Arkansas as a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area

I will work with the other members of the Arkansas delegation to continue our crackdown on drugs in the state by designating it a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA). HIDTA will enhance and coordinate drug control efforts among local, State, and Federal law enforcement agencies. It is my hope to pass this important legislation, as it will provide agencies with coordination, equipment, technology, and additional resources to combat drug trafficking and its harmful consequences in our state.

  • Ensuring Senior’s access to doctors by working to solve the Medicare reimbursement issue

For too many years we have continued to leave doctors in a lurch with the annual debate over Medicare reimbursements. I want to work with the other members of our delegation to fix this issue once and for all so doctors don’t have to make the choice of whether they will accept Medicare patients. This will also ensure our seniors will have more options available to them when selecting their doctors.

  • Continuing to secure the future for America’s veterans

I look forward to working together with my friends on the House Veterans Affairs Committee to ensure the educational, financial, and medical futures of our nation’s veterans. Taking care of the men, women, and families who have sacrificed themselves to secure our freedoms is not a partisan issue. The work we will continue to do on the committee can serve as an example of true bipartisanship and I look forward to the opportunity to be a part of this group.

Commitment to Bipartisanship

The first question we ask ourselves on any issue is how it will be of benefit to the 3rd District of Arkansas. The people have sent me here to find common-sense solutions to the issues that affect them; to create opportunities for success for every person living in the district; and not to get into the partisan bickering which results in the gridlock which ultimately harms everyone.

Partisanship doesn’t build roads, create jobs, or feed families. Common sense ideas do.

My commitment is to work with Members from both sides of the aisle to solve problems, and adhering to the principles I promised to uphold.

Related Documents:

Press Release - Huntsville Awarded Federal Housing Grant 1.15.2009

Press Release - Boozman Butterfield Trail Legislation Passes Senate 1.15.2009

Press Release - Boozman: SCHIP Legislation Fails Children 1.14.2009

Press Release - Boozman: Pay Equity Legislation Hurts Businesses 1.12.2009

Press Release - Boozman Assigned to Three Committees and Named to Whip Team 1.9.2009

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Related Files:

Rising Prices at the Pump

Testimony for Economic Development Subcommittee

Video of Rep. Boozman Honoring Frank Broyles

Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Worksheet

Introducing Pastor Bobby L. Johnson

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