Community Service Grants

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Amount Available for Awards: Funds are made available to carry out this subpart under section 4003(2), The Secretary shall allocate among the States -

  1. one-half according to the ratio between the school-aged population of each State and the school-aged population of all the States; and
  2. one-half according to the ratio between the amount each State received under section 1124A for the preceding year and the sum of such amounts received by all the States.
  3. MINIMUM- For any fiscal year, no State shall be allotted under this section an amount that is less than one-half of 1 percent of the total amount allotted to all the States under this section.
  4. REALLOTMENT- The Secretary may reallot any amount of any allotment to a State if the Secretary determines that the State will be unable to use such amount within 2 years of such allotment. Such reallotments shall be made on the same basis as allotments are made under subsection (b).

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Last Modified: 03/13/2006