Committee on Science - U.S. House of Representatives

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Zachary Kurz


Washington D.C. - June 10, 2008 – Today, the Subcommittee on Energy and Environment held a hearing to discuss the application of hybrid technology to medium and heavy duty trucks. Trucks use more fuel than cars and rising fuel costs for trucks are passed directly to consumers. Nonetheless, current research and government support have focused predominantly on passenger cars.

In particular, the hearing focused on draft legislation proposed by Congressman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-WI), intended to accelerate the process of bringing these technologies to the market. Mr. Sensenbrenner said:

"I plan to introduce legislation to help correct this imbalance. My bill will create competitive grants for companies to manufacture plug-in hybrid utility and delivery trucks. Utility trucks typically drive short distances to and from a work site, but sit idle for hours while on site. A plug-in hybrid truck would use less fuel getting to and from the site, and could operate without any fuel while on site. Ultimately a plug-in hybrid engine in a utility truck could use up to 60 percent less fuel. Delivery trucks constantly stop and go. Hybrid engines excel at this type of driving. These examples are therefore well-suited for demonstration and advancement of this important technology. My bill will accelerate research and help bring to market the technologies necessary for fighting climate change and reducing our foreign energy dependence."

Specifically, the legislation would accelerate research of plug-in hybrid technology in trucks by creating grants for manufacturers to build, test, and ultimately sell plug-in hybrid utility and delivery trucks. Mr. Sensenbrenner plans to introduce his legislation next week.

The following witnesses testified at today’s Subcommittee hearing: Mr. Terry Penney, Technology Manager, Advanced Vehicle and Fuel Technologies, National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Mr. Eric M. Smith, Chief Engineer, Hybrid Medium Duty Truck, Eaton Corporation; Mr. Joseph Dalum, Vice President, Dueco Inc.; Ms. Jill Egbert, Manager, Clean Air Transportation, Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E); and Mr. Richard Parish, Senior Program Manager, Calstart Hybrid Truck Users Forum (HTUF).

