
Lowey Statement on Reauthorization of SCHIP

Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-Westchester/Rockland) today issued the following statement on the House passage of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Reauthorization Act of 2009, which would provide health care coverage to 11 million children.

“Today’s action by the House of Representatives is a signal that Congress and President-elect Obama are making access to affordable and quality healthcare a priority for every American family.”

“This bill preserves coverage for the 7 million children already receiving health care through SCHIP, including more than 651,000 in New York and extends coverage to 4 million additional children nationwide who are eligible for SCHIP but not enrolled. At a time when the number of uninsured children has increased for two years in a row, we should be doing everything possible to expand successful health programs that prevent children and families from falling through the cracks.”

“Passage of this bill is especially important for states with high cost of living areas like New York, which has sought to increase income eligibility so that more families can access health care. The previous Administration’s decision to roll back health insurance for children in New York based on arbitrary income guidelines was unconscionable and prevented thousands of children from receiving benefits.”

“SCHIP is one of the most successful federal programs in existence. I am pleased that the House took quick action to pass critical legislation to provide health care coverage to 11 million American children and that President-elect Obama intends to sign it into law.”

