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Drivers and Resources

Regulatory Drivers

National Laws
Executive Orders
DOE Orders and Directives

Information Resources

DOE P2 Web sites
Other P2 Web sites
Environmental Technologies

National Laws
blue bullet The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 is the national legislation that establishes pollution prevention policy.
blue bullet The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (Section 6002) directs Federal agencies to establish Affirmative Procurement Programs for acquiring recycled content products designated by EPA.
Executive Orders
blue bullet Executive Order 13423. On January 24th, 2007, the President signed Executive Order 13423, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management.” The order sets goals in the areas of energy efficiency, acquisition, renewable energy, toxics reductions, recycling, renewable energy, sustainable buildings, electronics stewardship, fleets, and water conservation. In addition the order requires more widespread use of Environmental Management Systems as the framework in which to manage and continually improve these sustainable practices.
blue bullet Executive Order 13101, Greening the Government through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition, challenges Federal agencies to use environmentally preferable products and services, including recycled content and biobased products.
blue bullet Executive Order 13123, Greening the Government through Efficient Energy Management, promotes energy efficiency, water conservation, and the use of renewable energy products within the Federal Government.
blue bullet Executive Order 13148, Greening the Government through Leadership in Environmental Management, promotes the use of environmental management systems and pollution prevention as a means to achieve and maintain environmental compliance.
blue bullet Executive Order 13149, Greening the Government through Federal Fleet and Transportation Efficiency, challenges Federal agencies to use environmentally preferable or biobased motor vehicle products, and to reduce petroleum consumption through improvements in fuel efficiency and the use of alternative fuel vehicles.
DOE Orders and Directives
blue bullet DOE Order 450.1, Administrative Change 1, Environmental Protection Program, establishes requirements, authorities, and responsibilities for assuring DOE compliance with applicable Federal, State, and local environmental laws and regulations, Executive Orders, and internal Departmental policies. Attachment 3 establishes pollution prevention goals and strategies.
blue bullet DOE Order 430.2, In-House Energy Management, establishes requirements for DOE to cost-effectively meet energy efficiency, water conservation, and renewable energy use laws, regulations, and Executive Orders.
blue bullet DOE Notice 430.3, Extension of DOE Order 430.2, In-House Energy Management, extends DOE Order 430.2.
blue bullet DOE Order 435.1, Radioactive Waste Management, ensures that DOE radioactive waste is managed to protect worker and public health and safety, and the environment. Contractor Requirements Document (Attachment 1) addresses compliance with Executive Orders 12856 and 13101.
blue bullet DOE Order 435.1 , Radioactive Waste Management Manual, establishes requirements for the implementation of DOE Order 435.1. See Chapter I.1.E (20) for waste minimization and pollution prevention requirements associated with Executive Orders 12856 and 13101. See Chapter I.2.F. (3) for Field Manager responsibility for implementing waste minimization and pollution prevention programs.
blue bullet DOE Order 435.1 , Chapter I of Implementation Guide for Use with DOE Manual 435.1-1 - provides guidance for implementing DOE Order 435.1. See Chapter I.1.E (20) for waste minimization and pollution prevention requirements associated with Executive Orders 12856 and 13101. See Chapter I.2.F. (3) for Field Manager responsibility for implementing waste minimization and pollution prevention programs.
DOE P2 Web sites
blue bullet DOE Environment, Safety & Health
blue bullet DOE Environmental Policy and Guidance
blue bullet DOE Materials Exchange
blue bullet Energy P2 Information Clearing House (EPIC)
blue bullet P2 Coordinators
blue bullet Sandia National Laboratory/New Mexico
Sandia's Pollution Prevention page contains information about SNL's environmental performance as well as valuable information resources.

Other P2 Web sites
blue bullet ChemAlliance
ChemAliance provides up-to-date information concerning the environmental regulations affecting the chemical industry. The site contains a variety of useful resources, including a virtual plant tour. Each stop of the virtual tour contains regulations, P2 options, and case studies for that operations' area.
blue bullet Chemical Strategies Partnership
The Chemical Strategies Partnership (CSP) is a non-profit organization working to reduce chemical use, waste, risks, and cost through the transformation of the chemical supply chain. CSP promotes the use of Chemical Management Services model to change the traditional relationship between chemical suppliers and their customers from providing product, to providing service.
blue bullet Defense Environmental Network and Information Exchange (DENIX)
DENIX is the central platform and information clearinghouse for environment, safety and occupational health news, information, policy, and guidance for the Department of Defense (DoD). DENIX offers a vast document library and a gateway to web-based environmental compliance tools.
blue bullet

Department of Agriculture-Biobased Products
USDA Biobased Prodcuts and Bioenergy Coordination Council (BBCC) was established by the Secreatry of Agriculture to provide a forum through which USDA agencies will coordinate, facilitate and promote research, development, transfer of technology, commercialization, and marketing of biobased products and Bioenergy using renewable domestic agricultural and forestry materials.

blue bullet EPA Enviro$en$e - part of the U.S. EPA's web site, provides a single repository for pollution prevention, compliance assurance, and enforcement information and databases. Its search engine searches multiple web sites (inside and outside the EPA), and offers assistance in preparing a search.
blue bullet

EPA National Partnership for Environmental Priorities. The National Partnership for Environmental Priorities Program (NPEP) encourages public and private organizations to form voluntary partnerships with EPA that reduce the use or release of any of 31 Priority Chemicals (PCs). Federal facilities are especially encouraged to achieve reductions in the following five priority chemicals: cadmium, lead, mercury, naphthalene, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). NPEP recognizes programs that participate and that achieve their reduction goals.

blue bullet FedCenter.gov is the Federal Government's home for comprehensive environmental stewardship and compliance assistance information. Its Pollution Prevention Program Area contains guidance, tools, examples, and analyses of products and processes which can be substituted for existing products/processes or added to existing processes to reduce/eliminate pollution.
blue bullet Green Chemicals: Encouraging Toxic Use Reduction in Academic Laboratories
MIT students and faculty collaborated on this award-winning project, which provides substitution alternatives for a variety of toxic and hazardous chemicals.
blue bullet ISO 14000 HSS User Support
blue bullet National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR) P2 Experts Database
blue bullet National Recycling Coalition is dedicated to the advancement and improvement of recycling, and also source reduction, composting and reuse by providing technical information, education, training, outreach and advocacy services to its members in order to conserve resources and benefit the environment.
blue bullet National Waste Minimization Program
blue bullet Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx)
The Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx™) is a consortium of eight regional pollution prevention information centers, funded in part through grants from EPA. These centers all provide pollution prevention information, networking opportunities and other services to States, local governments and technical assistance providers in their region. The centers represent a broad constituency, including state and local pollution prevention programs, manufacturing extension partnerships, cooperative extension and nonprofit organizations. The diversity of audience contributes to an overall breadth of P2 information and opportunities.

Environmental Technologies
blue bullet Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable
blue bullet National Technology Transfer Center

This page was last updated on December 02, 2008

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