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Electronics Stewardship at DOE

DOE is committed to responsible environmental stewardship of its electronic assets. In order to comply with Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, DOE policy and actions support the following principles of electronic stewardship:

  1. Procurement of environmentally preferable electronics
  2. Enable electronics power management capabilities
  3. Establish and implement policies to extend the useful life of agency electronic equipment, and
  4. Recycling of surplus (end-of-life) electronics

As a signatory to the Memorandum of Understanding on Promoting Sustainable Environmental Stewardship of Federal Electronic Assets, DOE has embedded electronics stewardship principles into DOE Order 450.1, Environmental Protection Program. This order establishes new Pollution Prevention and Sustainable Environmental Stewardship goals, and incorporates strategies for achieving the new goals. DOE electronics stewardship policies, practices, and successes are summarized in this October 2008 Information Brief, Implementing Electronics Stewardship at Department of Energy Facilities.

For more information about the electronics stewardship at DOE, contact Jeff Eagan (jeff.eagan@eh.doe.gov or 202-586-4598).


Tools and Information
Awards and Recognition
- Federal Electronics Challenge - Closing the Circle Award
- Electronics Procurement (EPEAT) - Electronics Re-Use & Recycling Challenge Awards
- Power Management Strategies - Federal Electronics Challenge Awards
- Documents and Links    
- Success Stories    


Join the Federal Electronics Challenge: The Federal government is the world's largest consumer of electronics, purchasing more than $60 billion worth of computers, monitors, cell phones, and other information technology equipment. DOE is committed to responsible environmental stewardship of its electronic assets, and has demonstrated leadership in this area through its efforts in electronics recycling and reuse and its participation in the Federal Electronics Challenge (FEC), sponsored by the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive. For more information, visit www.federalelectronicschallenge.net

Under EO 13423, each agency and its facilities shall choose either to become a partner in the Federal Electronics Challenge (FEC), or to implement an equivalent electronics stewardship program that addresses purchase, operation and maintenance, and end-of-life management strategies for electronic assets consistent with FEC's recommended practices and guidelines.

DOE CIO, in a June 2005 memorandum, strongly encourages our sites and facilities to become Partners in the FEC. FEC Partners have access to valuable training and support as well as eligibility for annual awards.

EPEAT — A Green Computer Procurement Tool

The Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) will help purchasers evaluate, compare, and select desktop and laptop computers and monitors for their "green" attributes. The EPA created this procurement tool with a 43 point environmental scale for the environmentally preferable purchasing of electronics through the new IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Standard 1680, as described at www.epeat.net.

DOE-HQ was the first federal facility to require that all desktop computers, monitors, and laptops must be EPEAT registered. During Fiscal Year 2006, DOE field sites purchased more than 10,000 EPEAT certified computers and monitors.

DOE Acquisition Letter regarding EPEAT (4/27/07) - This AL establishes a preference for purchasing Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool-registered computer products within the Department of Energy while a pending FAR Case 2006-030 is processing which will add the same purchasing preference to the FAR.

Power Management Strategies

The CIO and DOE Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) have implemented best management practices to reduce energy consumption at Headquarters, including:

  • After-hours shut down of non-critical electronics and electrical equipment in coordination with network security.
  • ENERGY STAR power management features set as network default with permission required for modification on an as-needed basis.
  • Energy conservation instructional materials provided to Headquarters staff.

Documents and Links

DOE Electronics Stewardship Plan: The Plan addresses the management of the Department’s electronic assets throughout their life-cycle by focusing on: (1) purchasing of “green” electronic products; (2) reducing the environmental impacts of electronic products; and (3) managing obsolete electronics in an environmentally safe manner.

Information Brief: Implementing Electronics Stewardship at DOE Facilities (October 2008): This one-stop compendium of electronics stewardship information-including orders, regulations, and best practices-provides easy access to information for designing and implementing electronics stewardship programs at DOE-owned and contractor-operated facilities.

Federal Electronics Challenge Memo

June 2005 Memorandum from the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and the Agency Environmental Executive to Operations and Field Office Managers on the Department's commitment to the "Federal Electronics Challenge" (FEC)

Federal Electronics Challenge (FEC) homepage

EPA Article on DOE Order 450.1

DOE Success Stories

DOE Electronics Stewardship Presentation (May 2007)

Sandia National Laboratories (June 2007)

Idaho National Laboratory (February 2007)


2007 White House Closing the Circle Awards for Electronics Stewardship

From Left: Deputy Director of Health, Safety and Security Michael Kilpatrick, Property Management Specialist Daniel Young, Federal Environmental Executive Ed Pinero, Electronics Stewardship Coordinator Jeff Eagan, and Director of Procurement and Assistance Management Ed Simpson.

DOE received the first ever "CTC Electronics Stewardship Award" for the Headquarters Green Team Electronics Partners, which purchased more than 10,000 'green computers' in the past two years. DOE also received recognition for implementing Energy Star efficiency procedures to save hundreds of thousands of kilowatt hours; and safely recycling more than 1.2 million pounds of end-of-life electronics over the past two years, including donations of hundreds of surplus computer workstations to New Orleans area schools. [Read more…]

DOE Wins Electronics Reuse and Recycling Campaign (ERRC)

The Office of the Federal Environmental Executive challenges federal agencies to donate and recycle excess or surplus electronics through the Electronics Reuse and Recycling Campaign (ERRC). For the second year in a row, DOE won the 2007 ERRC Agency Award, outpacing 14 other federal agencies. Eighteen DOE sites recycled more than 610,000 pounds of surplus electronics between November 15, 2006 and March 19, 2007. See the press release announcing winners (4/17/07).

Four DOE sites have won ERRC awards from 2006-2007.

- South, Small Facilities Civilian - Strategic Petroleum Reserve (2007)

- Western Large Facilities-Civilian - Idaho National Laboratory (2007)

- Regional Civilian Facility Award - Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (2006)

- Regional Civilian Facility Award - Kansas City Plant (2006)

Federal Electronics Challenge Award Winners 2005 through 2007:

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2007)
Bonneville Power Administration (2005)

Brookhaven National Laboratory (2007)
DOE Headquarters - Washington, DC (2007)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (2007)
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2006)

Idaho National Laboratory (2007)
Pantex Plant (2007)
DOE Headquarters - Washington, DC (2006)
Kansas City Plant (2006)

Andrew Lawrence, Director of DOE Office of Nuclear Safety and Environment, (center), and Richard Langston, DOE Green Procurement Specialist, (left), accept Federal Electronics Challenge Silver Award for DOE Headquarters from Federal Environmental Executive Ed Pinero, June 2007. Photo by Daniel Hart, U.S. EPA., Photo courtesy of U.S. EPA.

FEC Partners

Bonneville Power Administration
DOE Headquarters
DOE Office of Environmental Management
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Idaho National Laboratory
Kansas City Plant
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Nevada Test Site
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Pantex Plant
Sandia National Laboratories - California
Sandia National Laboratories - New Mexico
Western Regional Office
Yucca Mountain Project: Bechtel SAIC

For more information, contact DOE Electronics Stewardship coordinator Jeff Eagan (202-586-4598 or jeff.eagan@eh.doe.gov).

This page was last updated on December 02, 2008

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