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Mission Information:

ACRIM II Instrument

ACRIM II Instrument
The ACRIM II Instrument
(exploded view)
This is an exploded view of the ACRIM II instrument. The instrument consists of two boxes. The Sensor Module is mounted on the Solar-Stellar Pointing Platform (SSPP) of the UARS spacecraft and the Electronics Module is mounted on the spacecraft bus. This separation of modules reduced the amount of weight the SSPP had to point. This view shows the position of the sensor modules containing the ACR sensors, the location of the shutter assembly and the position of the sun sensor. The sun sensor provides an independent indication of the angle of the sun to the instrument.

[ ACRIM II Sensor | ACRIM II - Exploded View ]
[ ACRIM II Instrument | ACR Instrument | ACR & ACRIM II TMO Test ]

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This page last updated: February 1, 1999
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