Abortion: Pro-Life Stance

Inglis Position:

Life is sacred and should be protected at all of its stages—from pre-born to old age irrespective of infirmity, “usefulness” or “wantedness.” 

Comments by Bob Inglis:

  • Most of us have had experiences with abortion somewhere in our families; many of us are hurting from those experiences.  Because of that, a discussion of abortion and its related topics should begin with an extension of grace and a commitment of respect for those with whom we differ.
  • In an increasingly technological age, we should be affirming the dignity of human life.  We should be saying that life is intrinsically valuable, regardless of age, “usefulness” or infirmity.  We should affirm that a human’s life is valuable even if no one in that human’s life defines them as “wanted.” We, the human race, should want that human just because he or she is one of us.
  • If we achieve an overturning of Roe v. Wade and abortions were once again made illegal, I would support an exception for the life of the mother and I can accept exceptions in the case of rape and incest.  All three of these circumstances are very rare—accounting, collectively, for less than 3% of all abortions performed in the United States.  The reality is that abortion as practiced in America is back-up birth control.
  • I support the ban on federal government funding of embryonic stem cell research (because it involves the destruction of one life to benefit another), but I wholeheartedly support research on umbilical cord stem cells and adult stem cells (because the donor is not destroyed).


Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act (HR 3442) – Inglis is a co-sponsor

  • This legislation gives abortion providers very specific legal guidelines on what information must be communicated to the mother having the abortion to ensure they are aware of all the facts.
  • Status: Referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee on August 3, 2007.
  • Comments by Bob Inglis : As early as 20 weeks after fertilization, an unborn child has the physical structures necessary to experience pain.  Expert testimony confirms that by 20 weeks after fertilization an unborn child may experience substantial pain even if the woman herself has received a local analgesic or general anesthesia.  I think that mothers should be aware of this when they think about abortion. 

RU-486 Suspension and Review Act (H.R. 63) – Inglis is a co-sponsor

  • The Act will suspend the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of RU-486 and call for the Government Accountability Office to investigate whether the FDA violated its own rules in approving the drug.
  • Under the Clinton administration, RU-486 was put on an accelerated approval process intended for experimental drugs in the treatment of life-threatening illnesses.  RU-486 was known at the time to have serious side effects such as hemorrhaging and uterine rupture, yet the drug was still approved.  Since then, RU-486 has been linked to the deaths of three women. 
  • Status : Referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee on January 4, 2007.
  • Comments by Bob Inglis : It seems to me that death as a side effect should be unacceptable, especially when the drug isn’t being used to save a life.  The FDA should be more concerned about the health of women than the bottom line of the abortion industry.

Right to Life Act (H.R. 618) – Inglis is a co-sponsor

  • The Act declares that the right guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being and defines “human being” to encompass all stages of life, including but not limited to the moment of fertilization or cloning.
  • Status: Referred to the House Judiciary Committee on January 22, 2007.

Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (HR 1063) – Inglis is a co-sponsor

  • The Act would prohibit transporting a minor across a state line to obtain an abortion without a parent’s consent.  The Act contains an exception when the minor has been the victim of abuse by a parent and the abortion provider has notified the appropriate state authorities.  Also, parental consent would not be required if the abortion is to be performed to save the life of the minor mother.
  • Status: Referred to the House Judiciary Committee on March 19, 2007. 
  • Comments by Bob Inglis : Abortions pose profound psychological consequences for the mother.  They also carry significant physical risks, including risks to reproduction and risks of hemorrhaging. A minor is not allowed to have her ears pierced in most states without parental consent.  Surely, a parent should be involved in something as significant as an abortion.  I hope the Senate acts on this legislation and that the President signs this important bill into law.

Stem Cell Research

  • On August 9, 2001, President Bush announced the tough but wise decision to allow federal dollars to be used to continue research on existing lines of embryonic stem cells.  He reasoned that those embryos had already been destroyed and their lives, although they should not have been taken, should be used for good.  The President placed a moratorium on any further federal funds being used to destroy any additional embryos.  Inglis supports the President’s decision.

Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act (H.R. 3)

  • Inglis voted against the Act because it allows for research that destroys tiny human beings.  Inglis also voted to sustain the President’s veto of the Act, thereby preventing it from becoming law. 
  • Status : The Act passed the House on January 11, 2007 by a vote of 253 to 174.  The Senate has not taken action on the bill. In the 109 th Congress, the Senate passed the same legislation on July 18, 2006 by a vote of 63 to 37.  The President vetoed the bill on July 19, 2006.  The House voted on July 19, 2006 to override the veto, but failed to reach 2/3 majority (235 to 193).  Therefore, the veto was sustained and the bill did not become law. It is likely that if the Senate passes H.R. 3, the President will once again exercise his veto power.
  • Comments by Bob Inglis: I will be energetic in asserting that human life – regardless of age, stage of development or impairment – is inherently and infinitely valuable and worthy of protection.

Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act –Inglis is a co-sponsor

  • Inglis voted for the Act to provide for the collection and maintenance of human cord blood stem cells for the treatment of patients and research. 
  • Status : After passing both the House and Senate, the President signed the bill into Public Law No: 109-129 on December 20, 2005.



Christina Brooks (5/16/08)

Thank you for taking a stance against abortion. And thank you for using the facts even though there is a minority that claims that you do not. It is a tough struggle--thanks for being brave enough to take it on.

Mike Kline (7/27/06)

I am disappointed to ready your comments and all of the bills you introduced to ban abortions and limit what rights women have. Guess what you preach that immigration is a compromise, well so isn't abortion. The morning after pill has killed three women, yes but read the facts. They had other medical issues that they failed to disclose to their medical provider at the time. Another failed to tell their medical provider because her parents were in the room with her during the exam and she was catholic. I agree with Trudy, use the real facts here and stop being a Bob Jones groupie and represent us on the real issues that America faces in today’s day and age.

Trudy Crow (6/2/06)

FALSE: "Abortions pose profound psychological consequences for the mother. They also carry significant physical risks, including risks to reproduction and risks of hemorrhaging." FACT: an unwanted pregnancy is a far GREATER psychological threat to both mother and child. FACT: ANY pregnancy creates the risk of profuse hemorraging at any point from conception to delivery. FACT: Childbearing for a woman of any age - but especially for teens and women over 35 - is a danger to her physical and psychological well being and the US ranks far below other industrial nations in making it safer! Let's use REAL facts about childbearing, birth control and abortion and not the hysteria of the "Right to Life" folks!

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