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Updated 12 October, 2003

US National Assessment of
the Potential Consequences
of Climate Variability and Change
Model Validation


Model Biases

20th Century
Time Series

Seasonal Climatologies


Figure 8: Comparison of annual, winter, and summer average temperatures (oF) for the US from (a) observations, (b) the CGCM1 model, and (c) the HadCM2 model. Results are for the period 1961-90. The model-simulated temperatures, their spatial patterns, and their seasonal ranges are in quite good agreement with observations generated by the VEMAP project. [Difference plots are also provided on the Web site containing the figures.]

The following figures show the GCM-simulated and VEMAP observational data from 1961-1990.  The (annual) mean temperatures is in degrees F (not differences), winter and summer temperatures are in degrees F, seasonal temperature ranges are in degrees F (summer - winter), annual precipitation is in inches/month, and seasonal precipitation ranges are in inches/month (summer - winter).  Mean temperature is calculated as the mean of the minimum and maximum temperatures, so that the model data are consistent with the VEMAP data.

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