Highlights for July 28 - August 1, 2003

Activities Underway

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Sandia National Laboratories - New Mexico Special Review: The Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10) conducted a special review of SNL-NM security management practices at the request of Linton Brooks. The results of the special review have been briefed and the report was provided to the NNSA Administrator. Additional briefings were provided to the Sandia Site Office Manager and the Laboratory Director, as well as Senator Grassley's staff. The results of this special review have identified major issues with security management and practices at SNL-NM.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Special Review: Preparations for the protective force special review at LLNL continue.

Sandia National Laboratories - New Mexico Comprehensive Inspection: Planning activities continue in support of the comprehensive inspection of SNL-NM. An on-site visit will be conducted in support of the force-on-force exercise.

Nevada Test Site Special Review: The draft report of a CMPC special review at Nevada Test Site is ready for review by the Quality Review Board.

An OA-10 representative continues to prepare for the scheduled ES&H and Emergency Management inspection.

Performance measures for the Foreign Visits and Assignments were developed for the Program Department Management Challenges working group, and are awaiting management approval.

Office of Cyber Security Evaluations (OA-20)

Perimeter Scanning Project: OA-20 personnel, in partnership with the Office of the Chief Information Officer, are conducting a special study (Perimeter Scanning Project) to map out and characterize DOE's network perimeter. This effort is being undertaken to establish a baseline understanding of the magnitude and make-up of DOE computer systems exposed to the Internet in order to improve the Department's protection posture. Testing has been completed for 46 DOE/NNSA sites. Testing is currently ongoing at six additional sites. Testing agreements are needed for the last two remaining DOE sites.

Unannounced Cyber Security Penetration Testing: A memorandum of understanding has been agreed upon with NNSA and the Office of the Chief Information Officer to establish the framework for unannounced penetration testing by OA. The unannounced testing program will be used to supplement routine announced inspections. Efforts are underway to establish a white cell that will control unannounced testing activities. A pilot unannounced test will be initiated in the next month with a volunteer site.

Annual Independent Evaluation of Classified Information System Security: In accordance with DOE Order 205.1, and as required by the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), OA is preparing an annual evaluation of DOE's classified information system security program. An analysis of OA cyber security inspection results over the last year is ongoing. A draft evaluation report is planned for completion in mid-August.

Sandia National Laboratories - New Mexico Inspection: Preparations are underway for conducting an announced cyber security inspection of SNL. A document request and inspection plan is being prepared.

Office of Emergency Management Oversight (OA-30)

Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Inspection: OA-30 and OA-50 continue planning for a combined inspection of INEEL.

Emergency Management Workshop: OA-30 is planning an Emergency Management Workshop for DOE and contractor site managers and emergency responders. The Workshop is intended to be an open forum for exchanging ideas and identifying methods for overcoming program implementation and performance challenges. The Workshop is tentatively scheduled for November in Washington, DC.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

Suspect/Counterfeit Items (S/CI) Special Study: This special study was conducted, encompassing both the Department's headquarters and field elements of the S/CI program, to include onsite reviews at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Savannah River Site, Kansas City Plant, Hanford, Office of River Protection Project, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Pantex. Validation activities and discussions on the draft report were held with representatives of EH, EM, NNSA, SC, DNFSB and the individual sites included within the scope of the study. The draft report was provided to the Deputy Secretary on August 1. A briefing for the DNFSB will be conducted on August 18.

Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory Inspection: The inspection plan has been issued. Preparations continue for the onsite review.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Inspection: Preparations have started for conducting a scoping visit at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Yucca Mountain Management Assessment: Preparations have started for conducting the scheduled scoping visit.

Nevada Test Site Special Review: Preparations have started for conducting the scheduled scoping visit for the special review of the Work for Others Program at NTS.

DOE Order Review: Comments on DOE Guide G 424.1-1, Implementation Guide For Use In Addressing Unreviewed Safety Question Requirements and recommended changes to the guide are being developed based on observations regarding the conduct of the USQ process during ES&H Inspections. The comments will be provided to EH.

Activities Completed

Office of Safeguards and Security Evaluations (OA-10)

Hanford/PNNL inspection activities: The PNNL and Hanford inspection reports have been provided to management for approval.

DOE Order Review: The review of the revision to draft DOE Order 142.A, Classified Visits and Travel Involving Foreign Nationals Program, was completed, and comments were provided to management for approval.

Office of Environment, Safety and Health Evaluations (OA-50)

President's Management Council Survey on Federal agency environmental compliance: The Office provided support to EH in the development of the Departments response to the survey.

The Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care Facilities (AAAHC) granted a three-year term of accreditation to Sandia National Laboratories-California. The AAAHC survey was conducted May 28-29, 2003.

Meeting with the Office of Environment (EH-40): OA -50 staff provided an overview of the results of recent inspections. EH-40 staff discussed the status of actions with regard to previous OA observations regarding environmental policy and guidance. Both OA-50 and EH-40 staff discussed ongoing and planned actions in the environmental arena.

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