Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Technical Service Center, Watershed and Rivers Software


Near Real-Time Information for Operational Water Management Decision Support

NEXRAD Precipitation and ET Products
(Click in colored project areas below)

Map for AWARDS info

Current and Forecast Weather Information

National Center for Atmospheric Research RAP Real-Time Weather Data (Satellite Loops etc.)

National Weather Service Interactive Weather Information Network (IWIN)
Enhanced Graphics version (auto updating)

HPC National Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) Graphics
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4-5

Medium Range Forecasts from the HPC

Maximum Temperature - Minimum Temperature - Probability of Precipitation
Day 3 Max / Min Temp and PoP Forecasts
Day 4 Max / Min Temp and PoP Forecasts
Day 5 Max / Min Temp and PoP Forecasts
Day 6 Max / Min Temp and PoP Forecasts
Day 7 Max / Min Temp and PoP Forecasts

Maps and Graphs of Water Resources Conditions

Related Links

Explanations of AWARDS, NEXRAD, ET Toolbox, and how they work:

AWARDS - Agricultural WAter Resources Decision Support system
NEXRAD - NEXt generation weather RADar precipitation estimates
ET Toolbox - Documentation of the EvapoTranspiration Toolbox for the Middle Rio Grande (pdf version)
AWARDS/ET Toolbox Changes - Recent changes to the AWARDS and EvapoTranspiration Toolbox for the Middle Rio Grande

Send comments, questions, suggestions to:

Tom Pruitt (tpruitt@do.usbr.gov) 303-445-2512
Richard Stodt (rstodt@do.usbr.gov) 303-445-2474
Bureau of Reclamation
Technical Service Center
Denver, Colorado