Bureau of Reclamation Banner, Upper Colorado Region

Western Colorado Area Office

Project Data Sheet

Collbran Project
Reservoir Vega
River Plateau Creek
   Total Capacity (af) 33800
   Live Capacity (af) 32980
Surface Area (aNWS) 897.5
Active Pool
   Storage (af) 32980
   Norm Water Surface (ft) 7984
Inactive Pool
   Storage (af) 0
   Top of Pool (ft) NA
Dead Pool
   Storage (af) 820
   Top of Pool (ft) 7906
Dam Crest (ft) 7997
Outlet Capacity (cfs) ----
Spillway Capacity (cfs) ----
Spillway Crest (ft) 7984
Completion Date 1960

Units: Acre-Feet (af); Feet Above Mean Sea Level (ft); Cubit Feet Per Second: (cfs); Acres at NWS: (aNWS)

Email comments/inquires to: WestColoAreaOffice@uc.usbr.gov


Last updated: January 23, 2007