About Us
HR LOB Recruitment One Stop E-Clearance E-Training EHRI E-Payroll |
Managing Partner: Office of Personnel Management
Executive Sponsor: Office of Management and Budget
HR LOB Partners
The Multi-Agency Executive Strategy Committee (MAESC) is the central governing body of the HR LOB. The MAESC is comprised of the 22 HR LOB member agencies with OPM and OMB as co-chairs. The 24 participating agencies are:
The HR LOB selected five Shared Service Centers to provide HR services for the Federal Government. The five SSCs are:
Department of Agriculture (National Finance Center)
Department of Defense (Civilian Personnel Management Service)
Department of the Interior (National Business Center)
Treasury (HR Connect & Partnered with Bureau of Public Debt)
Recruitment One Stop (ROS) Partners
E-Clearance Partners
E-Training Partners
EHRI Partners
E-Payroll Partners
Learning and Development Advisory Council (LDAC)
e-Training Service Provider Consortium (eTSPC)