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Office of the CAO Helps Make Inauguration a Success

January 16, 2008

U.S. Capitol Building
Drapes, crafted exclusively in house by the employees of the Chief Administrative Officer, decorate the Inaugural platform on the Capitol’s West Front

Since the 2008 presidential election, the office of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) has been working tirelessly behind the scenes to create the perfect setting for the Inauguration of the 44th President. 

“Everyone on earth is going to be watching this, so everything has to be the best it can be,” said John Lewis, Director of AFL/Furnishing for the CAO.

When the transition officially began on Nov. 5, Lewis’ team began working to install the carpeting and drapes that will serve as a backdrop for the President-elect to be sworn into office. 

As the Green the Capitol Initiative enters its second phase, the office of the CAO invested in 100 percent recyclable carpet, making this Inauguration the first to take a step toward a more eco-friendly ceremony.  

“This time around we looked into a greener version,” Lewis said. “After this inauguration, we can pack it up and use it again in four years.” 

Lewis’ office used all in-house manufacturing and installation for the red, white and blue drapery that hangs on the Capitol building.  He said that bright, rich colors were an important aspect for the carpets and drapes because of the visual effect it would have on cameras filming the ceremony.

“Four yeas ago the fabric didn’t stand up to the weather, so this one is weather proof,” Lewis said. “The Inauguration committee told us to make sure the colors were bright so everything would look good on camera,” he said.

U.S. Capitol Building
Employees stand on environmentally-friendly carpet runners that extend some 725 square yards from the Rotunda steps to the West Front podium

His team has worked in nearly freezing temperatures to perfect the visual aesthetics and Lewis said he’s proud of what they have accomplished, calling the sight, “truly amazing.”

Other CAO business units are also working to make the Inauguration as seamless as possible, including the staff of the House Press Gallery.  For previous Inaugurations, the Press Gallery would receive anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 requests for media credentials. This year, their office received over 9,000 requests. 

“We took care of everybody that had a real need to be taken care of,” said House Press Gallery Superintendent Jerry Gallegos. 

Only 1,200 media officials received credentials, yet Gallegos said his office made sure to allocate credentials to the Hawaiian, Illinois, Kenyan and Delawarean press representatives.

Over 500 CAO employees are involved in some aspect of the transition, including preparation for the inaugural ceremony.  “Many people will be surprised to know how much goes on in the background,” CAO Dan Beard said. “We’re thrilled to contribute to this historic event.”