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Energy Analysis Energy Collaborative Analysis Initiative


Environmental Protection Agency

October 2008

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

October 2008

EERE's Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation Group

October 2008

California Energy Commission

September 2008

Clean Energy States Alliance

September-October 2008

Energy Information Administration

September 2008

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

August-October 2008

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

August-October 2008

Web Forum: Improving Behavior Modeling

August 2008

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ECAI Web Forum:
Improving Behavior Modeling

HELD - August 28, 2008

Leadership Committee Meeting

February 6, 2008

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Energy Collaborative Analysis Initiative Newsletter

Analysis Collaborative Topics


Analysis Activities by Organization

Inaugural Workshop


The Energy Collaborative Analysis Initiative (ECAI) is a collaborative effort among federal and state officials and research organizations to identify opportunities to enhance collaboration on energy analysis, which would ultimately inform and drive policy making. The Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation (PAE) group in DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), in conjunction with these leading energy analysis organizations, is sponsoring this initiative. Activities related to the collaboration are facilitated and coordinated by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).


Through coordination among agencies, this initiative aims to make analysis more efficient and cost-effective, increase credibility of analytical methods, and standardize assumptions and methodologies. The overview section outlines the initiative's goals and vision, and includes a baseline characterization (PDF 72 KB) Download Adobe Reader that outlines energy analysis activities of the participants.

Analysis Collaboration Topics

Sixty-two analysts from 27 organizations identified eight high-priority energy topics that analysts and decision makers should address in the near future. These collaboration areas include:


The participants and leaders of this initiative are key to its success in both the short and long term. The collaborators section includes information on the Planning Committee (PDF 16 KB) Download Adobe Reader, background on initiative participants and their analysis work, and information on the leadership committee that was formed to continue overseeing collaboration activities.

Analysis Activities by Organization

Several organizations — including research, industry, government, and others — are doing work in the area of energy analysis. This activities section of the site includes background information on these groups, including their objectives and ongoing activities.


The ECAI group conducts workshops to bring together federal and state officials and research organization representatives to identify specific energy analysis goals and activities. Two workshops have been held since ECAI was formed in early 2006. The inaugural one was on June 20-21, 2006 and a second was held June 27-28, 2007.


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