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Updated 12 October, 2003

US National Assessment
of the Potential Consequences
of Climate Variability and Change
Agriculture Sector Assessment Working Papers


Tubiello, F.N., C. Rosenzweig, R. A. Goldberg, S. Jagtap, and J.W. Jones, 2000. U.S. National Assessment Technical Report Effects of Climate Change on U.S. Crop Production Part I: Wheat, Potato, Corn, and Citrus.

Paustian, K., D. Ojima, R. Kelly, J. Lackett, F. Tubiello, R. Brown, C. Izaurralde, S. Jagtap, and C. Li, 2000. Crop Model Analysis of Climate and CO2 Effects, Workshop Report - Preliminary Draft.

Abler, D., J. Shortle, and J. Carmichael. 2000. Climate Change, Agriculture, and Water Quality in the U.S. Chesapeake Bay Region. Working Paper.

Izaurralde, R. C., R. A. Brown, and N. J. Rosenberg. 1999. U.S. regional agricultural production in 2030 and 2095: response to CO2 fertilization and Hadley Climate Model (HADCM2) projections of greenhouse-forced climatic change. Rep. No. PNNL-12252. Pacific Northwest National Laboratories, Richland, WA. 42 pp.

Paul, E. A. and J. Kimble. Global Climate Change: Interactions with Soil Properties

McCarl, Bruce. 2000. Results from the National and NCAR Agricultural Climate Change Effects Assessments.

Chen, C., Gillig, Dhazn, and McCarl, B. 2000. Effects of Climatic Change on a Water Dependent Regional Economy: A Study of the Texas Edwards Aquifer.

Chen, C. and McCarl, B. 2000. Pesticide Usage as Influenced by Climate: A Statistical Investigation.

Chen, C. and McCarl, B. 2000. Economic Implications of Potential Climate Change Induced ENSO Frequency and Strength Shifts.

Chen, C., McCarl, B. and Schimmelpfennig, D. 2000. Yield Variability as Influenced by Climate: A Statistical Investigation.

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