United States Congressman, Jeff MillerUnited States Congressman, Jeff MillerUnited States Congressman, Jeff Miller
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United States Congressman, Jeff Miller
January 9, 2009
- Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize Israel’s right to defend itself and to express my desire for a peaceful and lasting resolution to the current conflict.

In September of 2005, the Israeli government completed an evacuation of all Israeli citizens from Gaza. This historic evacuation, ordered by then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, was not widely popular throughout Israel but Mr. Sharon felt it was an important and necessary step in the quest for a 2-state solution. Soon after the evacuation, in January 2006, Hamas won 2/3 of the parliamentary elections in Gaza and took over as the democratically-elected government of the Palestinian people.

Since their election, Hamas has ignored the conciliatory actions of Israel and they have seen their popularity plummet because of this and their steadfast refusal to recognize the existence of Israel. So much was expected of the new Palestinian leadership following the death of Yassir Arafat but the leadership of Hamas has failed its people, and continues to be corrupt. This failed leadership came to a head on December 19th when Hamas ended the six-month cease fire with Israel and fired over 50 rockets into Israel.

After continued rocket attacks into heavily populated areas, Israel had no choice but to retaliate with force against Hamas and protect Israeli citizens. Hamas leadership knew Israel would respond, but still may have been surprised by the forcefulness with which the Israelis defended their citizens. Once the Israelis made clear they would not tolerate the rocket attacks, Hamas leaders followed a time-honored terrorist tradition of hiding amongst and under the people they should have been leading and protecting.

Following Israel’s continued defense of its homeland, some have demanded Israel stop its targeted strikes into Gaza. This would only allow Hamas foot soldiers to continue resupplying their terrorist network and offer little assurance that Hamas will refrain from targeting Israeli civilians. It is regrettable that Hamas continues firing rockets into Israel and as recently as Wednesday, rockets were fired into Israel from Lebanon.

I will continue to support the right of Israel to defend itself and encourage the people of Gaza to demand that their elected leaders cease the unjustified rocket attacks and the conscious choice to act as terrorists. Furthermore, I commend Egypt on its continuing role as an evenhanded facilitator of peace negotiations and urge other Middle Eastern nations to follow suit.
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