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Transportation Subcommittee Charter

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This Charter addresses lead agency and Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Transportation Subcommittee (Subcommittee) responsibilities for the coordination of transportation data-related activities among agencies and establishes a mechanism for the coordinated development, use, sharing, and dissemination of best practices, standards and data for transportation.

This Subcommittee is granted authority through the current version of the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-16 and Executive Order 12906. From these documents the responsibility to coordinate transportation data-related activities is assigned to the Department of Transportation (DOT). This government wide leadership for transportation data coordination is carried out under the policy guidance and oversight of the FGDC.

Pertinent enabling authority also resides in the language of:
• TITLE 49, U.S.C., Section 301; and
• Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (PL 102-240)
• Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (PL 105-178)
• Norman Y. Mineta Research and Special Programs Improvement Act (PL

The scope of the Subcommittee is to lead in the identification and publishing of methods for sharing information on best practices, standards for data exchange and content, participate in the development of standards, and use of geospatial data in transportation.

The Subcommittee defines its area of interest to include transportation networks, terminals, and services (including intermodal freight and passenger); and the movements of people and commodities, such as trucking and HAZMAT, using them. Transportation includes all traditional transportation modes (roads, railroads, public transit, navigable waterways, and commercial air routes), intermodal connections between these modes, as well as commercial product pipelines.

The lead agency responsible for the identification, coordination, and dissemination of information on best practices, standards for data exchange, standards development, and use of geospatial data in transportation is the US
Department of Transportation’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). This organization will develop and implement a plan to coordinate US Department of Transportation’s transportation datarelated activities among Federal and non-Federal agencies and will report on its activities to the FGDC. In carrying out its government wide leadership in transportation data coordination, the RITA is directly responsible to the FGDC and ensures compliance to the objectives and guidance provided by the FGDC.

This Subcommittee is established to assist the lead agency to coordinate Federal and non-Federal interests in transportation data, including the facilitation of best practices and information exchange and transfer of data; the establishment and implementation of standards for quality, content, and transferability; and the coordination of the identification of requirements and the collection of spatial data to minimize duplication of effort where practicable and economical.

Membership in the Subcommittee shall be comprised of voting and Collaborating Partners.

Voting Members: These are representatives from agencies that are members of the FGDC. These agencies are Federal agencies that collect, or finance the collection of, transportation data as part of their mission or have direct application of these data through legislated mandate. Each member agency of the Subcommittee shall designate its representative, an alternate if necessary, and changes thereto, to the Subcommittee Chairperson. Other organizations may be added with the concurrence of the Subcommittee Chairperson.

Voting Members can also be Federal departments or agencies that are not
members of the FGDC, but have significant activities in geographic information or spatial data collection or use. Upon acceptance, they assume the same responsibilities and privileges as other members of the FGDC. In some cases agencies may serve as non-voting members.

Collaborating Partners: Non-federal organizations may serve as Collaborating Partners by requesting official stakeholder status to the Subcommittee. Collaborating Partners are encouraged to participate in all Subcommittee business and its working groups and provide input into all decisions. Official voting privileges are not extended to Collaborating Partners.

The member from the RITA shall chair the Subcommittee.

Responsibilities of the Subcommittee include the following:
1. Support development of the National Geospatial Data Framework through facilitation of partnerships and definition of national transportation data framework standards.
2. Facilitate the coordination of agencies' activities related to transportation data and the exchange of transportation data, by formal and informal means.
3. Identify ways in which transportation data from any source may be included in the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.
4. Facilitate collection and compilation of information for transportation data activities.
5. Recommend any changes in the definition of transportation data to more accurately describe its scope.
6. Assist in the development and adoption of common standards of content, format, and accuracy for transportation data for use by all Federal agencies and to encourage use by non-Federal organizations, to increase its interchangeability and enhance its potential for multiple use.
7. Assist the RITA in establishing and publishing standards and specifications for the data, and assist in establishing priorities for transportation data production.
8. Promote government wide use of defined and published spatial data transfer standards for transportation data.
9. Facilitate the economic and efficient application of transportation data through the sharing of experiences involving applications.
10. Support higher-order or crosscutting activities established or recognized by the FGDC.
11. Participate in the development and evaluation of data definitions and standards used by United Nations and other international organizations and make recommendation for their inclusion in transportation data as appropriate.
12. Encourage agencies to schedule the disposition of transportation data in coordination with the National Archives and Records Administration in order to provide for the permanent preservation of historically valuable data.

Subcommittee meetings shall be held at the call of the Subcommittee Chairperson. Normally, notification of meetings and an agenda will be distributed to members of the Subcommittee and to the FGDC Executive Secretary 10 Federal working days in advance of the meeting. All decisions shall be on the basis of consensus agreement. Where agreement is not reached, the issue will be promptly referred to the FGDC Executive Secretary to be scheduled for resolution.
The Subcommittee Chairperson shall consult with the Chairperson of the Coordination Group to determine the need for further coordination prior to
implementing Subcommittee decisions that impact the FGDC or its other subcommittees or working groups. The Subcommittee may establish additional rules and procedures for conducting business.

The Subcommittee may create work groups or task groups, or further subdivisions, at the discretion of the Subcommittee Chairperson, as appropriate to carry out its activities and meet its responsibilities. The establishment of subgroups of more than 12 months duration that are in addition to any specified in this exhibit and the abolishment of any such subgroup requires the approval of the FGDC. Participation in these groups may be drawn from its member organizations and from other organizations, as appropriate.

The Subcommittee will employ those tools that are best suited to meeting its
responsibilities, such as subcommittee meetings, national user forums, annual requirements solicitations, user surveys and analyses, spatial data user workshops, research initiatives, and cooperative ventures.

The Subcommittee Chairperson will coordinate the Subcommittee's activities with other FGDC subcommittees, working groups, and other components by participating in the FGDC's Coordination Group.

The Subcommittee shall report to the FGDC annually, by December 31, describing the requirements for, production of, and availability of transportation data. This annual status report shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary, and shall contain
• accomplishments of the past calendar year,
• an operating plan for activities planned for the upcoming year,
• photographs, diagrams, and other materials that may be of value for
inclusion in FGDC reports,
• a brief discussion of problems encountered and other matters of interest.

The Subcommittee shall submit the operating plan for the upcoming year for FGDC review and concurrence.

Special reports and technical papers also may be requested by the FGDC during the reporting period describing special projects, coordination with other subcommittees, and the development of status graphics or catalogs and
informational or educational brochures on the use and availability of transportation data.

The Subcommittee Chairperson shall provide a draft report of Subcommittee
meetings, including Subcommittee recommendations and action items, to all
Subcommittee members for review prior to approval.

The Subcommittee Chairperson shall provide the final report of Subcommittee meetings to all Subcommittee members, the FGDC Executive Secretary, and the Standards Working Group Chairperson.

The Subcommittee shall remain in existence until terminated by the FGDC.