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Consumer Protection

Consumer Protection

"Recent problems with toxic chemicals in toys and food have made it clear that our nation’s consumer safety system has been dangerously neglected and is in need of repair."

— Congressman Bart Gordon

According to a 2007 federal report, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is failing in almost every aspect of its mission to oversee food, animal feed, drugs and medical devices.  Similarly, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), which also inspects products available on the market, has been grossly underfunded. As a result, it has been falling short of fulfilling its responsibilities.  In 2007, Americans purchased 110 million products that were recalled.  To say the least, the nation’s consumer safety system needs to be repaired.   

Guaranteeing Food and Drug Safety
Over the last few decades, imports of food, prescription drugs, and other consumer products have increased, while inspection resources have dwindled.  Since 1972, for example, the FDA’s inspection of food has decreased by 90 percent.  In the 110th Congress, Bart was an original sponsor of the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act, which was signed into law on September 27, 2007.  The legislation requires the FDA to better communicate with the public during human and pet food recalls.  Bart is also working with his colleagues on the House Energy and Commerce Committee to draft comprehensive legislation that would provide the FDA with the needed authority and resources to ensure the safety of domestic and imported food, drugs and cosmetic products. 

Protecting Children from Unsafe Toys
In 2008, 20 million toys manufactured in China were recalled because they were dangerous to children.  Some contained nearly 200 times the legal amount of lead.  Bart has long been dedicated to protecting children and making certain that the toys they play with are safe.  Bart was an original supporter of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, which was signed into law on August 14, 2008.  The legislation bans lead and phthalates in toys, requires toys and infant products be tested before they are sold, and provides the CPSC with greater resources to ensure the products Americans buy are safe.

Washington Office
2306 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4231
Fax: (202) 225-6887
Murfreesboro Office
305 West Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Phone: (615) 896-1986
Cookeville Office
15 South Jefferson
Cookeville, TN 38501
Phone: (931) 528-5907
Gallatin Office
100 Public Square, B-100
Gallatin, TN 37066
Phone: (615) 451-5174

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