U.S. Representative Silvestre Reyes.  Proudly Serving the 16th District of Texas.
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News Search Results

UTEP Receives Over $266,000 Research Grant
The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) has awarded a $266,834 grant to the University of Texas at El Paso. - 6/12/2008
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La Fe clinic awarded $175,000 federal grant
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has awarded Centro de Salud Familiar La Fe a $174,847 federal grant. - 4/24/2008
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VA Secretary Peake to visit El Paso within next month
The Honorable James B. Peake, the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, will travel to El Paso to assess the El Paso Veterans Affairs Health Care System within the next month. - 4/10/2008
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The importance of our health and the economy
Congressman Reyes comments on World Tuberculosis Day and the economic stimulus package. - 3/31/2008
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Increasing awareness of tuberculosis in El Paso
Congressman Reyes speaks as a panelist at La Fe Health Clinic for a "World TB Day" event in the fight against tuberculosis. - 3/18/2008
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Reyes introduces legislation to improve public health and safety in border region
Congressman Reyes introduced legislation, the Border Health Security Act, today to improve the safety and quality of life of families living in the U.S.-Mexico border region. - 3/11/2008
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Reyes backs landmark bill to expand mental health care coverage
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act, bipartisan legislation that provides equity in health coverage for mental illness or substance addiction. - 3/5/2008
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Reyes votes to extend health insurance to children in need
Reyes votes to put children first -- votes to override President Bush's second veto of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. - 1/23/2008
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El Paso receives $17 million in federal grants
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded $17 million to El Paso's Head Start and Project Vida. - 11/14/2007
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U.S. House sends funding bill for veterans, education, health care to President Bush
Bill includes funding for Beaumont parking lot, four-year medical school, Thomason, La Fe, Project ARRIBA - 11/6/2007
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U.S. House passes revised bill providing health care for needy children
The U.S. House of Representatives today considered another vote on legislation to reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and provide health care for 10 million children after President Bush vetoed the original bipartisan bill. - 10/25/2007
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Reyes proud to cast vote to override Presiden't veto of SCHIP
Congressman Reyes today released the following statement regarding the U.S. House's unsuccesful attempt to override President Bush's veto of the bipartisan State Children's Health Insurance Plan (SCHIP) Reauthorization bill. - 10/18/2007
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El Paso wins over $660,000 in federal funds
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded over $660,000 in federal grants to the El Paso community, Congressman Reyes announced today. - 9/27/2007
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Reyes votes for children’s health insurance program
Congressman Reyes joins a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives today in support of bipartisan legislation for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act. - 9/25/2007
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U.S. House passes funding for food assistance, nutrition programs
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the fiscal year 2008 Agriculture funding bill, which funds programs and agencies that will help improve nutrition and healthy diets. - 8/2/2007
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U.S. House passes bill to improve health care for children, Medicare
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Children’s Health and Medicare Protection Act of 2007. - 8/1/2007
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Bill with $1.2 million for health care, education in El Paso passes U.S. House
U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 3043 allowing $1.2 million specifically for the El Paso region in addition to funding for Pell Grants and the CDBG program. - 7/19/2007
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Column: Tri-Caucus Health Equity and Accountability Act of 2007
Congressman Reyes' weekly column: "Tri-Caucus Health Equity and Accountability Act of 2007" - 7/9/2007
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Bill funding veterans’ care, military construction passes House
Congress passed the Military Construction & Veterans Affairs funding bill for veterans’ healthcare, support for military facilities and new measures to hold the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) accountable for services they provide to veterans. - 6/15/2007
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El Paso’s Centro San Vicente receives $1.8 million federal grant
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded El Paso’s Centro San Vicente a federal grant worth over $1.8 million. - 6/15/2007
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Column: Mental Health and National Nursing Home Week
Congressman Reyes' weekly column: "Mental Health and National Nursing Home Week" - 5/14/2007
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Cover the Uninsured Week: April 23-29, 2007
The week of April 23rd, 2007 marks the fifth annual “Cover the Uninsured Week,” a national effort that draws attention to the need to provide everyone with quality, affordable health insurance. - 4/26/2007
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U.S. House passes U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Health and Iraq Accountability Act conference report
The U.S. House of Representatives approved the conference report on the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Health and Iraq Accountability Act today. - 4/25/2007
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Reyes and La Fe Director Salvador Balcorta meet in Washington, DC
Congressman Reyes and Centro de Salud Familiar La Fe Executive Director Salvador Balcorta meet in Washington today, and discuss health care and immigration reform. - 3/8/2007
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Column: The Bush Administration's fiscal 2008 budget cuts education and health care
Congressman Reyes' weekly column: "The Bush Administration's fiscal 2008 budget cuts education and health care" - 2/12/2007
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El Paso cancer awareness delegation on Capitol Hill
A delegation of El Pasoans joined Rep. Reyes in Washington, D.C. to support federal policies that will help eliminate cancer as a major health risk. - 9/20/2006
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El Paso wins $46,000 for emergency health care
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has awarded the Rio Grande Council of Government a $46,408 federal grant. - 9/8/2006
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$450,000 awarded to El Paso
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services awards the El Paso community $450,000 for substance abuse programs. - 9/5/2006
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CDC awards El Paso office grant for diabetes study
The Centers for Disease Control awarded $539,000 to the El Paso field office of the Pan American Health Organization to lead a study diabetes prevention. - 8/23/2006
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Border Health Conference conference facilitates important partnerships
Congressman Reyes' weekly column: "Border Health Conference conference facilitates important partnerships" - 7/6/2006
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Issue Search Results

Health Care
Congressman Reyes' views on health care issues. - 1/7/2008
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