Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Technical Service Center
Materials Engineering and Research Lab


Aggregate Database

Summaries of aggregate quality evaluation test results are available for some of the aggregate sources tested by this facility.

Reclamation's Materials Laboratory in Denver has had an international reputation for excellence in concrete technology for over 50 years. Reclamation has a complete concrete laboratory that includes aggregate processing and testing, cement testing, mixing room, fog room and environmental chambers, freezing and thawing equipment, sulfate attack, durability testing, chemistry, petrography, and many specialized test facilities. The concrete laboratory is complemented by complete structural testing capabilities including a 5,000,000 pound universal testing machine and vibration laboratory.

Guide to Concrete Repair

The Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory published the most recent Guide to Concrete Repair in 1997.

Concrete Specifications

Standard concrete specification paragraphs for the Bureau of Reclamation.

Concrete Quality Control Database

The group has developed a PC compatible database program for tracking project concrete mixture proportions, fresh and hardened concrete properties, and source data. The program assembles the data to produce user defined reports, tables and graphs.

Concrete Publications from MERL

Concrete Presentations