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Harrison's Online

Featuring the complete contents of Harrison's Principles of
Internal Medicine, 17th Edition

Anthony S. Fauci, Eugene Braunwald, Dennis L. Kasper, Stephen L. Hauser, Dan L. Longo, J. Larry Jameson, and Joseph Loscalzo, Eds.

Preface   Copyright   Contributors


Part 1. Introduction to Clinical Medicine
 Chapter 1The Practice of Medicine
 Chapter 2Global Issues in Medicine
 Chapter 3Decision-Making in Clinical Medicine
 Chapter 4Screening and Prevention of Disease
 Chapter 5Principles of Clinical Pharmacology
 Chapter 6Women's Health
 Chapter 7Medical Disorders during Pregnancy
 Chapter 8Medical Evaluation of the Surgical Patient
 Chapter 9Geriatric Medicine
 Chapter 10Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Latest Update:
 Chapter 11Palliative and End-of-Life Care
Latest Update:
Chapter e1The Safety and Quality of Health Care
Chapter e2Economic Considerations in the Practice of Medicine
Chapter e3Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care
Chapter e4Ethical Issues in Clinical Medicine

Part 2. Cardinal Manifestations and Presentation of Diseases
Section 1. Pain
 Chapter 12Pain: Pathophysiology and Management
 Chapter 13Chest Discomfort
 Chapter 14Abdominal Pain
 Chapter 15Headache
Latest Update:
 Chapter 16Back and Neck Pain
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Section 2. Alterations in Body Temperature
 Chapter 17Fever and Hyperthermia
 Chapter 18Fever and Rash
Chapter e5Atlas of Rashes Associated with Fever
 Chapter 19Fever of Unknown Origin
 Chapter 20Hypothermia and Frostbite

Section 3. Nervous System Dysfunction
 Chapter 21Syncope
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 Chapter 22Dizziness and Vertigo
Latest Update:
 Chapter 23Weakness and Paralysis
 Chapter 24Gait and Balance Disorders
 Chapter 25Numbness, Tingling, and Sensory Loss
 Chapter 26Confusion and Delirium
Chapter e6Memory Loss
 Chapter 27Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders
 Chapter 28Sleep Disorders

Section 4. Disorders of Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat
 Chapter 29Disorders of the Eye
 Chapter 30Disorders of Smell, Taste, and Hearing
 Chapter 31Pharyngitis, Sinusitis, Otitis, and Other Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
Latest Update:
 Chapter 32Oral Manifestations of Disease
Chapter e7Atlas of Oral Manifestations of Disease

Section 5. Alterations in Circulatory and Respiratory Functions
 Chapter 33Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema
 Chapter 34Cough and Hemoptysis
 Chapter 35Hypoxia and Cyanosis
 Chapter 36Edema
Chapter e8Approach to the Patient with a Heart Murmur
 Chapter 37Palpitations

Section 6. Alterations in Gastrointestinal Function
 Chapter 38Dysphagia
 Chapter 39Nausea, Vomiting, and Indigestion
 Chapter 40Diarrhea and Constipation
Latest Update:
 Chapter 41Weight Loss
 Chapter 42Gastrointestinal Bleeding
 Chapter 43Jaundice
 Chapter 44Abdominal Swelling and Ascites

Section 7. Alterations in Renal and Urinary Tract Function
 Chapter 45Azotemia and Urinary Abnormalities
Chapter e9Atlas of Urinary Sediments and Renal Biopsies
 Chapter 46Fluid and Electrolyte Disturbances
 Chapter 47Hypercalcemia and Hypocalcemia
 Chapter 48Acidosis and Alkalosis

Section 8. Alterations in Sexual Function and Reproduction
 Chapter 49Sexual Dysfunction
 Chapter 50Hirsutism and Virilization
 Chapter 51Menstrual Disorders and Pelvic Pain

Section 9. Alterations in the Skin
 Chapter 52Approach to the Patient with a Skin Disorder
 Chapter 53Eczema, Psoriasis, Cutaneous Infections, Acne, and Other Common Skin Disorders
 Chapter 54Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease
 Chapter 55Immunologically Mediated Skin Diseases
 Chapter 56Cutaneous Drug Reactions
 Chapter 57Photosensitivity and Other Reactions to Light
Chapter e10Atlas of Skin Manifestations of Internal Disease

Section 10. Hematologic Alterations
 Chapter 58Anemia and Polycythemia
 Chapter 59Bleeding and Thrombosis
 Chapter 60Enlargement of Lymph Nodes and Spleen
 Chapter 61Disorders of Granulocytes and Monocytes
Chapter e11Atlas of Hematology and Analysis of Peripheral Blood Smears

Part 3. Genetics and Disease
 Chapter 62Principles of Human Genetics
 Chapter 63Chromosome Disorders
 Chapter 64The Practice of Genetics in Clinical Medicine
 Chapter 65Gene Therapy in Clinical Medicine
Latest Update:

Part 4. Regenerative Medicine
 Chapter 66Stem Cell Biology
 Chapter 67Applications of Stem Cell Biology in Clinical Medicine
 Chapter 68Hematopoietic Stem Cells
 Chapter 69Tissue Engineering

Part 5. Nutrition
 Chapter 70Nutritional Requirements and Dietary Assessment
 Chapter 71Vitamin and Trace Mineral Deficiency and Excess
 Chapter 72Malnutrition and Nutritional Assessment
 Chapter 73Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Therapy
 Chapter 74Biology of Obesity
 Chapter 75Evaluation and Management of Obesity
Latest Update:
 Chapter 76Eating Disorders

Part 6. Oncology and Hematology
Section 1. Neoplastic Disorders
 Chapter 77Approach to the Patient with Cancer
Latest Update:
 Chapter 78Prevention and Early Detection of Cancer
 Chapter 79Cancer Genetics
 Chapter 80Cancer Cell Biology and Angiogenesis
Latest Update:
 Chapter 81Principles of Cancer Treatment
 Chapter 82Infections in Patients with Cancer
 Chapter 83Cancer of the Skin
 Chapter 84Head and Neck Cancer
Latest Update:
 Chapter 85Neoplasms of the Lung
 Chapter 86Breast Cancer
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 Chapter 87Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer
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 Chapter 88Tumors of the Liver and Biliary Tree
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 Chapter 89Pancreatic Cancer
 Chapter 90Bladder and Renal Cell Carcinomas
 Chapter 91Benign and Malignant Diseases of the Prostate
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 Chapter 92Testicular Cancer
Latest Update:
 Chapter 93Gynecologic Malignancies
 Chapter 94Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcomas and Bone Metastases
 Chapter 95Carcinoma of Unknown Primary
 Chapter 96Paraneoplastic Syndromes: Endocrinologic/Hematologic
 Chapter 97Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes
Chapter e12Thymoma
Chapter e13Late Consequences of Cancer and Its Treatment

Section 2. Hematopoietic Disorders
 Chapter 98Iron Deficiency and Other Hypoproliferative Anemias
 Chapter 99Disorders of Hemoglobin
Latest Update:
 Chapter 100Megaloblastic Anemias
 Chapter 101Hemolytic Anemias and Anemia Due to Acute Blood Loss
 Chapter 102Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes
 Chapter 103Polycythemia Vera and Other Myeloproliferative Diseases
 Chapter 104Acute and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
 Chapter 105Malignancies of Lymphoid Cells
 Chapter 106Plasma Cell Disorders
 Chapter 107Transfusion Biology and Therapy
Latest Update:
 Chapter 108Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation

Section 3. Disorders of Hemostasis
 Chapter 109Disorders of Platelets and Vessel Wall
 Chapter 110Coagulation Disorders
 Chapter 111Venous Thrombosis
 Chapter 112Antiplatelet, Anticoagulant, and Fibrinolytic Drugs
Latest Update:

Part 7. Infectious Diseases
Section 1. Basic Considerations in Infectious Diseases
 Chapter 113Introduction to Infectious Diseases: Host–Pathogen Interactions
 Chapter 114Molecular Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis
 Chapter 115Approach to the Acutely Ill Infected Febrile Patient
 Chapter 116Immunization Principles and Vaccine Use
Latest Update:
 Chapter 117Health Advice for International Travel
Latest Update:
Chapter e14Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases

Section 2. Clinical Syndromes: Community-Acquired Infections
 Chapter 118Infective Endocarditis
Latest Update:
 Chapter 119Infections of the Skin, Muscle, and Soft Tissues
 Chapter 120Osteomyelitis
 Chapter 121Intraabdominal Infections and Abscesses
Latest Update:
 Chapter 122Acute Infectious Diarrheal Diseases and Bacterial Food Poisoning
 Chapter 123Clostridium difficile–Associated Disease, Including Pseudomembranous Colitis
Latest Update:
 Chapter 124Sexually Transmitted Infections: Overview and Clinical Approach
Chapter e15Infectious Complications of Burns and Bites

Section 3. Clinical Syndromes: Health Care–Associated Infections
 Chapter 125Health Care–Associated Infections
Latest Update:
 Chapter 126Infections in Transplant Recipients

Section 4. Approach to Therapy for Bacterial Diseases
 Chapter 127Treatment and Prophylaxis of Bacterial Infections

Section 5. Diseases Caused by Gram-Positive Bacteria
 Chapter 128Pneumococcal Infections
Latest Update:
 Chapter 129Staphylococcal Infections
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 Chapter 130Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections
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 Chapter 131Diphtheria and Other Infections Caused by Corynebacteria and Related Species
 Chapter 132Infections Caused by Listeria monocytogenes
 Chapter 133Tetanus
 Chapter 134Botulism
 Chapter 135Gas Gangrene and Other Clostridial Infections

Section 6. Diseases Caused by Gram-Negative Bacteria
 Chapter 136Meningococcal Infections
 Chapter 137Gonococcal Infections
 Chapter 138Moraxella Infections
 Chapter 139Haemophilus Infections
 Chapter 140Infections Due to the HACEK Group and Miscellaneous Gram-Negative Bacteria
 Chapter 141Legionella Infection
 Chapter 142Pertussis and Other Bordetella Infections
 Chapter 143Diseases Caused by Gram-Negative Enteric Bacilli
 Chapter 144Helicobacter pylori Infections
Latest Update:
 Chapter 145Infections Due to Pseudomonas Species and Related Organisms
 Chapter 146Salmonellosis
 Chapter 147Shigellosis
 Chapter 148Infections Due to Campylobacter and Related Species
 Chapter 149Cholera and Other Vibrioses
 Chapter 150Brucellosis
 Chapter 151Tularemia
 Chapter 152Plague and Other Yersinia Infections
 Chapter 153Bartonella Infections, Including Cat-Scratch Disease
 Chapter 154Donovanosis

Section 7. Miscellaneous Bacterial Infections
 Chapter 155Nocardiosis
 Chapter 156Actinomycosis
 Chapter 157Infections Due to Mixed Anaerobic Organisms

Section 8. Mycobacterial Diseases
 Chapter 158Tuberculosis
Latest Update:
 Chapter 159Leprosy (Hansen's Disease)
 Chapter 160Nontuberculous Mycobacteria
 Chapter 161Antimycobacterial Agents

Section 9. Spirochetal Diseases
 Chapter 162Syphilis
Latest Update:
 Chapter 163Endemic Treponematoses
 Chapter 164Leptospirosis
 Chapter 165Relapsing Fever
 Chapter 166Lyme Borreliosis

Section 10. Diseases Caused by Rickettsiae, Mycoplasmas, and Chlamydiae
 Chapter 167Rickettsial Diseases
 Chapter 168Infections Due to Mycoplasmas
 Chapter 169Chlamydial Infections

Section 11. Viral Diseases: General Considerations
 Chapter 170Medical Virology
 Chapter 171Antiviral Chemotherapy, Excluding Antiretroviral Drugs

Section 12. Infections Due to DNA Viruses
 Chapter 172Herpes Simplex Viruses
 Chapter 173Varicella-Zoster Virus Infections
Latest Update:
 Chapter 174Epstein-Barr Virus Infections, Including Infectious Mononucleosis
 Chapter 175Cytomegalovirus and Human Herpesvirus Types 6, 7, and 8
 Chapter 176Molluscum Contagiosum, Monkeypox, and Other Poxviruses, Excluding Smallpox Virus
 Chapter 177Parvovirus Infections
 Chapter 178Human Papillomavirus Infections
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Section 13. Infections Due to DNA and RNA Respiratory Viruses
 Chapter 179Common Viral Respiratory Infections and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
 Chapter 180Influenza
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Section 14. Infections Due to Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Other Human Retroviruses
 Chapter 181The Human Retroviruses
 Chapter 182Human Immunodeficiency Virus Disease: AIDS and Related Disorders
Latest Update:

Section 15. Infections Due to RNA Viruses
 Chapter 183Viral Gastroenteritis
 Chapter 184Enteroviruses and Reoviruses
 Chapter 185Measles (Rubeola)
 Chapter 186Rubella (German Measles)
 Chapter 187Mumps
Latest Update:
 Chapter 188Rabies and Other Rhabdovirus Infections
 Chapter 189Infections Caused by Arthropod- and Rodent-Borne Viruses
 Chapter 190Ebola and Marburg Viruses

Section 16. Fungal and Algal Infections
 Chapter 191Diagnosis and Treatment of Fungal Infections
Latest Update:
 Chapter 192Histoplasmosis
 Chapter 193Coccidioidomycosis
 Chapter 194Blastomycosis
 Chapter 195Cryptococcosis
 Chapter 196Candidiasis
Latest Update:
 Chapter 197Aspergillosis
 Chapter 198Mucormycosis
 Chapter 199Miscellaneous Mycoses and Algal Infections
 Chapter 200Pneumocystis Infection

Section 17. Protozoal and Helminthic Infections: General Considerations
Chapter e16Laboratory Diagnosis of Parasitic Infections
 Chapter 201Agents Used to Treat Parasitic Infections
Chapter e17Pharmacology of Agents Used to Treat Parasitic Infections

Section 18. Protozoal Infections
 Chapter 202Amebiasis and Infection with Free-Living Amebas
 Chapter 203Malaria
 Chapter 204Babesiosis
Chapter e18Atlas of Blood Smears of Malaria and Babesiosis
 Chapter 205Leishmaniasis
Latest Update:
 Chapter 206Trypanosomiasis
 Chapter 207Toxoplasma Infections
 Chapter 208Protozoal Intestinal Infections and Trichomoniasis

Section 19. Helminthic Infections
 Chapter 209Trichinella and Other Tissue Nematodes
 Chapter 210Intestinal Nematodes
 Chapter 211Filarial and Related Infections
 Chapter 212Schistosomiasis and Other Trematode Infections
 Chapter 213Cestodes

Part 8. Bioterrorism and Clinical Medicine
 Chapter 214Microbial Bioterrorism
 Chapter 215Chemical Bioterrorism
 Chapter 216Radiation Bioterrorism

Part 9. Disorders of the Cardiovascular System
Section 1. Introduction to Cardiovascular Disorders
 Chapter 217Basic Biology of the Cardiovascular System
 Chapter 218Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease
 Chapter 219Approach to the Patient with Possible Cardiovascular Disease

Section 2. Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disorders
 Chapter 220Physical Examination of the Cardiovascular System
 Chapter 221Electrocardiography
Chapter e19Atlas of Electrocardiography
 Chapter 222Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging: Echocardiography, Nuclear Cardiology, and MRI/CT Imaging
Chapter e20Atlas of Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging
 Chapter 223Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization and Angiography

Section 3. Disorders of Rhythm
 Chapter 224Principles of Electrophysiology
 Chapter 225The Bradyarrhythmias
Latest Update:
 Chapter 226The Tachyarrhythmias
Latest Update:
Chapter e21Atlas of Cardiac Arrhythmias

Section 4. Disorders of the Heart
 Chapter 227Heart Failure and Cor Pulmonale
Latest Update:
 Chapter 228Cardiac Transplantation and Prolonged Assisted Circulation
 Chapter 229Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult
 Chapter 230Valvular Heart Disease
Latest Update:
 Chapter 231Cardiomyopathy and Myocarditis
Latest Update:
 Chapter 232Pericardial Disease
 Chapter 233Tumors and Trauma of the Heart
 Chapter 234Cardiac Manifestations of Systemic Disease

Section 5. Vascular Disease
 Chapter 235The Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Treatment of Atherosclerosis
Chapter e22Atlas of Atherosclerosis
 Chapter 236The Metabolic Syndrome
 Chapter 237Ischemic Heart Disease
 Chapter 238Unstable Angina and Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
 Chapter 239ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
Latest Update:
 Chapter 240Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Chapter e23Atlas of Percutaneous Revascularization
 Chapter 241Hypertensive Vascular Disease
 Chapter 242Diseases of the Aorta
 Chapter 243Vascular Diseases of the Extremities
Latest Update:
 Chapter 244Pulmonary Hypertension

Part 10. Disorders of the Respiratory System
Section 1. Diagnosis of Respiratory Disorders
 Chapter 245Approach to the Patient with Disease of the Respiratory System
 Chapter 246Disturbances of Respiratory Function
 Chapter 247Diagnostic Procedures in Respiratory Disease
Chapter e24Atlas of Chest Imaging

Section 2. Diseases of the Respiratory System
 Chapter 248Asthma
 Chapter 249Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis and Pulmonary Infiltrates with Eosinophilia
 Chapter 250Environmental Lung Disease
 Chapter 251Pneumonia
Latest Update:
 Chapter 252Bronchiectasis and Lung Abscess
 Chapter 253Cystic Fibrosis
 Chapter 254Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Latest Update:
 Chapter 255Interstitial Lung Diseases
Chapter e40New! Altitude Illness: Acute Mountain Sickness, High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema, and High-Altitude Cerebral Edema
 Chapter 256Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary Thromboembolism
Latest Update:
 Chapter 257Disorders of the Pleura and Mediastinum
 Chapter 258Disorders of Ventilation
Latest Update:
 Chapter 259Sleep Apnea
 Chapter 260Lung Transplantation
Latest Update:

Part 11. Critical Care Medicine
Section 1. Respiratory Critical Care
 Chapter 261Principles of Critical Care Medicine
 Chapter 262Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
 Chapter 263Mechanical Ventilatory Support

Section 2. Shock and Cardiac Arrest
 Chapter 264Approach to the Patient with Shock
 Chapter 265Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock
 Chapter 266Cardiogenic Shock and Pulmonary Edema
Latest Update:
 Chapter 267Cardiovascular Collapse, Cardiac Arrest, and Sudden Cardiac Death
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Section 3. Neurologic Critical Care
 Chapter 268Coma
Latest Update:
 Chapter 269Neurologic Critical Care, Including Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
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Section 4. Oncologic Emergencies
 Chapter 270Oncologic Emergencies

Part 12. Disorders of the Kidney and Urinary Tract
 Chapter 271Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Kidney
 Chapter 272Adaptation of the Kidney to Renal Injury
 Chapter 273Acute Renal Failure
 Chapter 274Chronic Kidney Disease
 Chapter 275Dialysis in the Treatment of Renal Failure
 Chapter 276Transplantation in the Treatment of Renal Failure
 Chapter 277Glomerular Diseases
 Chapter 278Polycystic Kidney Disease and Other Inherited Tubular Disorders
 Chapter 279Tubulointerstitial Diseases of the Kidney
 Chapter 280Vascular Injury to the Kidney
 Chapter 281Nephrolithiasis
 Chapter 282Urinary Tract Infections, Pyelonephritis, and Prostatitis
 Chapter 283Urinary Tract Obstruction

Part 13. Disorders of the Gastrointestinal System
Section 1. Disorders of the Alimentary Tract
 Chapter 284Approach to the Patient with Gastrointestinal Disease
Latest Update:
 Chapter 285Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Chapter e25Video Atlas of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
 Chapter 286Diseases of the Esophagus
Latest Update:
 Chapter 287Peptic Ulcer Disease and Related Disorders
Latest Update:
 Chapter 288Disorders of Absorption
 Chapter 289Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Latest Update:
 Chapter 290Irritable Bowel Syndrome
 Chapter 291Diverticular Disease and Common Anorectal Disorders
Latest Update:
 Chapter 292Mesenteric Vascular Insufficiency
 Chapter 293Acute Intestinal Obstruction
 Chapter 294Acute Appendicitis and Peritonitis

Section 2. Liver and Biliary Tract Disease
 Chapter 295Approach to the Patient with Liver Disease
 Chapter 296Evaluation of Liver Function
 Chapter 297The Hyperbilirubinemias
 Chapter 298Acute Viral Hepatitis
Latest Update:
 Chapter 299Toxic and Drug-Induced Hepatitis
 Chapter 300Chronic Hepatitis
Latest Update:
 Chapter 301Alcoholic Liver Disease
 Chapter 302Cirrhosis and Its Complications
Latest Update:
Chapter e26Atlas of Liver Biopsies
 Chapter 303Genetic, Metabolic, and Infiltrative Diseases Affecting the Liver
 Chapter 304Liver Transplantation
 Chapter 305Diseases of the Gallbladder and Bile Ducts

Section 3. Disorders of the Pancreas
 Chapter 306Approach to the Patient with Pancreatic Disease
 Chapter 307Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis

Part 14. Disorders of the Immune System, Connective Tissue, and Joints
Section 1. The Immune System in Health and Disease
 Chapter 308Introduction to the Immune System
 Chapter 309The Major Histocompatibility Complex
 Chapter 310Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases
Chapter e27Primary Immunodeficiencies Associated with or Secondary to Other Diseases

Section 2. Disorders of Immune-Mediated Injury
 Chapter 311Allergies, Anaphylaxis, and Systemic Mastocytosis
 Chapter 312Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Diseases
 Chapter 313Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
 Chapter 314Rheumatoid Arthritis
 Chapter 315Acute Rheumatic Fever
 Chapter 316Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) and Related Disorders
 Chapter 317Sjögren's Syndrome
 Chapter 318The Spondyloarthritides
 Chapter 319The Vasculitis Syndromes
Latest Update:
Chapter e28Atlas of Clinical Imaging of the Vasculitic Diseases
 Chapter 320Behçet's Syndrome
 Chapter 321Relapsing Polychondritis
 Chapter 322Sarcoidosis
 Chapter 323Familial Mediterranean Fever
 Chapter 324Amyloidosis

Section 3. Disorders of the Joints and Adjacent Tissues
 Chapter 325Approach to Articular and Musculoskeletal Disorders
 Chapter 326Osteoarthritis
 Chapter 327Gout and Other Crystal-Associated Arthropathies
 Chapter 328Infectious Arthritis
Latest Update:
 Chapter 329Fibromyalgia
Latest Update:
 Chapter 330Arthritis Associated with Systemic Disease and Other Arthritides
 Chapter 331Periarticular Disorders of the Extremities

Part 15. Endocrinology and Metabolism
Section 1. Endocrinology
 Chapter 332Principles of Endocrinology
 Chapter 333Disorders of the Anterior Pituitary and Hypothalamus
 Chapter 334Disorders of the Neurohypophysis
 Chapter 335Disorders of the Thyroid Gland
 Chapter 336Disorders of the Adrenal Cortex
 Chapter 337Pheochromocytoma
 Chapter 338Diabetes Mellitus
Latest Update:
 Chapter 339Hypoglycemia
 Chapter 340Disorders of the Testes and Male Reproductive System
Latest Update:
 Chapter 341The Female Reproductive System: Infertility and Contraception
 Chapter 342The Menopause Transition and Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy
 Chapter 343Disorders of Sex Development
 Chapter 344Endocrine Tumors of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Pancreas
 Chapter 345Disorders Affecting Multiple Endocrine Systems

Section 2. Disorders of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
 Chapter 346Bone and Mineral Metabolism in Health and Disease
 Chapter 347Diseases of the Parathyroid Gland and Other Hyper- and Hypocalcemic Disorders
 Chapter 348Osteoporosis
Latest Update:
 Chapter 349Paget Disease and Other Dysplasias of Bone

Section 3. Disorders of Intermediary Metabolism
 Chapter 350Disorders of Lipoprotein Metabolism
 Chapter 351Hemochromatosis
Latest Update:
 Chapter 352The Porphyrias
 Chapter 353Disorders of Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism
 Chapter 354Wilson Disease
 Chapter 355Lysosomal Storage Diseases
 Chapter 356Glycogen Storage Diseases and Other Inherited Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
 Chapter 357Heritable Disorders of Connective Tissue
 Chapter 358Inherited Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism in Adults
 Chapter 359Inherited Defects of Membrane Transport
Chapter e29Atlas of Clinical Manifestations of Metabolic Diseases

Part 16. Neurologic Disorders
Section 1. Diagnosis of Neurologic Disorders
 Chapter 360Mechanisms of Neurologic Diseases
 Chapter 361Approach to the Patient with Neurologic Disease
 Chapter 362Neuroimaging in Neurologic Disorders
Latest Update:
Chapter e30Atlas of Neuroimaging
Chapter e31Electrodiagnostic Studies of Nervous System Disorders: EEG, Evoked Potentials, and EMG
Chapter e32Technique of Lumbar Puncture

Section 2. Diseases of the Central Nervous System
 Chapter 363Seizures and Epilepsy
Latest Update:
 Chapter 364Cerebrovascular Diseases
Latest Update:
 Chapter 365Dementia
 Chapter 366Parkinson's Disease and Other Extrapyramidal Movement Disorders
Latest Update:
 Chapter 367Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders
 Chapter 368Ataxic Disorders
 Chapter 369Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Diseases
 Chapter 370Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System
 Chapter 371Trigeminal Neuralgia, Bell's Palsy, and Other Cranial Nerve Disorders
Latest Update:
 Chapter 372Diseases of the Spinal Cord
 Chapter 373Concussion and Other Head Injuries
 Chapter 374Primary and Metastatic Tumors of the Nervous System
Latest Update:
 Chapter 375Multiple Sclerosis and Other Demyelinating Diseases
Latest Update:
 Chapter 376Meningitis, Encephalitis, Brain Abscess, and Empyema
Latest Update:
 Chapter 377Chronic and Recurrent Meningitis
 Chapter 378Prion Diseases

Section 3. Nerve and Muscle Disorders
 Chapter 379Peripheral Neuropathy
Latest Update:
 Chapter 380Guillain-Barré Syndrome and Other Immune-Mediated Neuropathies
Latest Update:
 Chapter 381Myasthenia Gravis and Other Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction
Latest Update:
 Chapter 382Muscular Dystrophies and Other Muscle Diseases
Latest Update:
 Chapter 383Polymyositis, Dermatomyositis, and Inclusion Body Myositis
Chapter e33Special Issues in Inpatient Neurologic Consultation
Latest Update:

Section 4. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
 Chapter 384Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Section 5. Psychiatric Disorders
 Chapter 385Biology of Psychiatric Disorders
 Chapter 386Mental Disorders
Latest Update:

Section 6. Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
 Chapter 387Alcohol and Alcoholism
 Chapter 388Opioid Drug Abuse and Dependence
 Chapter 389Cocaine and Other Commonly Abused Drugs
 Chapter 390Nicotine Addiction

Part 17. Poisoning, Drug Overdose, and Envenomation
Chapter e34Heavy Metal Poisoning
Chapter e35Poisoning and Drug Overdosage
 Chapter 391Disorders Caused by Reptile Bites and Marine Animal Exposures
 Chapter 392Ectoparasite Infestations and Arthropod Bites and Stings

Part 18. e-Chapters from International Advisory Editors
Chapter e36Pulmonary Biomarkers in COPD
Chapter e37Chagas' Disease: Advances in Diagnosis and Management
Chapter e38The Polypill
Chapter e39Mitochondrial DNA and Heritable Traits and Diseases

Appendix: Laboratory Values of Clinical Importance

 The e-chapter logo indicates a chapter that is currently available only online.

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