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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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CPM 2003-10

August 27, 2003




SUBJECT: NFL Kickoff Concert on the Mall

I urge you to advise your employees of the major traffic congestion problems anticipated in the downtown Washington, DC, area on Thursday, September 4, 2003, as a result of the "NFL Kickoff Live From the National Mall." The National Football League (NFL) will be sponsoring the event to celebrate the opening of the NFL's 2003 season and salute America's military members. The event will recognize the Department of Defense's "Operation Tribute to Freedom." Officials anticipate more than 100,000 participants to attend. An opening-day concert on the Mall is scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m.

With such a large crowd of attendees expected at this event, we anticipate major traffic congestion in the downtown Washington, DC, area. I urge you to advise employees to use public transportation and allow extra time for travel on Thursday, September 4. Employees who wish to stay home should request leave by following normal procedures. Please encourage supervisors to approve requests for leave on this day. Employees on alternative work schedules (AWS) may wish to schedule their AWS day off on September 4, consistent with their agency's policies, or use credit hours (if available). With supervisory approval under a written or oral telework agreement, employees may work at home or at a telework center on September 4.

Employees should anticipate large crowds on Metro as people arrive for the concert while others are leaving work. 4th Street will be closed where it crosses the Mall. There is a possibility that 7th Street also will be closed. Employees should be encouraged to monitor local news media for announcements on traffic conditions or additional street closures.

For additional information, agency chief human capital officers may contact the OPM human capital officer for their agency. Employees should contact their agency human resources offices for assistance.

cc: Chief Human Capital Officers


Last Modified: 6:27:58 PM on Tuesday, September 09, 2003