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Summary of Amendments Submitted to the Rules Committee on H.R. 1646,
Foreign Relations Authorization Act for FY's 2002 and 2003


(in alphabetical order)

May 8, 2001 (3:00 p.m.)


Ackerman #17 Expresses the Sense of Congress that the Pakistani-based group Lashkar-e-Taiba should be added to the list of foreign terrorist organizations and urges the Secretary of State to do so.

Ackerman/Gilman #18 Specifies a series of commitments that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has made, requires the President to report to the Congress concerning PLO compliance with those commitments, authorizes the President to impose a variety of sanctions in the event that he finds the PLO is not in compliance with any or all of the commitments, and provides the President with waiver authority.

Allen #42 Expresses the Sense of Congress that, if a U.S. missile defense system is intended to defend other countries, the President should seek burdensharing contributions from such allied and other friendly countries to pay a proportional share of the costs of deployment of that system.

Andrews #44 Expresses the Sense of Congress that the boundary in the Aegean Sea and the status of the islands there has been legally determined by the treaties, conventions, and protocols entered into by Greece, Turkey and other interested parties.

Andrews #45 Expresses the Sense of Congress that all political prisoners be released in Cuba.

Bachus #7 Prohibits any foreign company from raising capital or listing its securities in U.S. markets as long as the foreign company is engaged in oil and gas development in the Sudan.

Bachus #8 Requires foreign companies doing business in the Sudan to disclose the nature and extent of that business activity in connection with their access to U.S. capital markets.

Bartlett #6 Changes the U.S. payment to the United Nations for peacekeeping to 25%.

Bartlett #30 Restricts the release of arrearage payments to the U.N. until such time as the GAO completes a report to Congress relating to our voluntary contributions to the U.N. for peacekeeping operations from 1990-2001.

Bentsen #27 Requires the Secretary of State to designate an existing Assistant Secretary of State to monitor efforts to bring justice to U.S. victims of terrorism abroad.

Berman/Leach #40 Removes the President's authority to regulate or prohibit certain transactions related to travel to or from Cuba by U.S. citizens and residents.

Brady #3 Earmarks $1 million for the negotiation of extradition treaties.

Brady #4 Expresses the Sense of the House of Representatives to develop and implement a process for negotiating new effective extradition treaties.

Brady #5 Expresses the Sense of the House that Congress is absolutely committed to ensuring the truth in the murder of John Alvis and that the individual(s) responsible are brought to justice.

Tom Davis (VA) #33 Extends for two year the McCain amendment, which allows long-time re-education camp survivors from Vietnam to bring their unmarried sons and daughters with them to the U.S. when resettled as refugees and slightly expands the provision to include sons and daughters of refugees who were inadvertently excluded under the language of current law.

DeLay #28 Provides legal protections to ensure that American citizens, especially U.S. military personnel, are not prosecuted by the International Criminal Court for actions undertaken by them on behalf of the U.S. government unless and until the Senate ratifies the treaty establishing the Court.

Doggett #32 Determines the validity and amount of any claims by Gulf War Veterans and other nationals of the U.S. against the Government of Iraq that are outside the jurisdiction of the U.N. Compensation Commission.

Engel #9 Extends the Congress' sympathy to the brave men and women who were incarcerated by the Axis powers during WWII and their families for the hardships they endured and encourages foreign nations that incarcerated U.S. civilians during WWII to formally apologize to these individuals and their families.

Faleomavaega #10 Sense of Congress recognizing the extraordinary importance of the national elections this year in Fiji, East Timor and Peru.

Flake #39 Sense of Congress condemning the anti-Semitic remarks of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Gilman/Markey #60 Adds a new subtitle amending the North Korea Threat Reduction Act of 1999 to require that Congress approve by joint resolution any such certification by the President before it may take effect. (LATE)

Hastings (FL) #51 Creates a Special Coordinator position within the Department of State for Korea.

Hooley #66 Requires the Secretary of State to submit a report to Congress on whether timber harvesting practices on public lands in British Columbia, Canada violate the Canadian Fisheries Act and the U.S.-Canada Pacific Salmon Treaty. (LATE)

Hyde #56 Corrects a drafting error in P.L. 106-113 eliminating language imposing a two-year waiting period for the filing of certain grievances, and provides instead that the normal two-year time limit may be extended to as long as three years in certain circumstances. (LATE)

Hyde/Barcia/Smith(NJ)/Oberstar #57 Strikes Sections 131 through 133 of the bill - the effect being to preserve the President's legal authority to implement the pro-life "Mexico City Policy" which prohibits U.S. population assistance funds from being made available to foreign organizations that perform or actively promote abortions in foreign countries. (LATE)

Hyde #58 Substitute for any amendment that would cut a substantial amount from one or more authorizations contained in the bill - would cut all authorizations in the bill across the board by 3.1%. (LATE)

Hyde #59 Substitute for any amendment that would cut a substantial amount from one or more authorizations contained in the bill - would cut all authorizations in the bill across the board by 2.4%. (LATE)

Hyde/Lantos #55 Establishes the additional precondition of the U.S. return to the U.N. Human Rights Commission to the release of $244 million in previously appropriated funds to pay U.S. arrearages to the U.N. and other international organizations. (LATE)

Jackson Lee #43 Requires the Department of State to compile an annual human rights country report on children used as soldiers.

Jackson Lee #61 Requires that the U.S. Department of State compile an annual human rights report that takes note of the Ethiopian government's efforts to redress human rights abuses. (LATE)

Lampson #2 Extends the reporting requirement of the U.S. Department of State on the compliance with the provisions of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction to 2003.

Lantos #35 Prohibits IMET for the armed forces of Lebanon unless the President certifies that the Lebanese Army has deployed to the internationally recognized border between Lebanon and Israel and the Government of Lebanon is effectively asserting its authority.

Lantos #36 Expresses the Sense of Congress that the International Olympic Committee should not award the 2008 Summer Olympics to Beijing unless China releases all of its political prisoners, ratifies the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and observes internationally recognized human rights.

Lantos #37 Outlines a 3-5 year U.S. trade, aid, and security agenda with East Timor, which is currently under UN control and is scheduled for full independence later this year.

Lantos #38 Adds a new title at the end of the bill called the Freedom Investment Act of 2001 which provides 1% of funds made available under the Dept. of State's Diplomatic and Consular Programs account for fiscal year 2004 and thereafter is authorized to be available only for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor and overseas human rights positions.

McKinney #46 Expresses the Sense of Congress concerning the right of American residents to sue foreign nations for certain injuries and abuses which occur overseas.

Manzullo #29 Renders the 6 American TWA victims eligible for compensation on the same basis as are complainants associated with the five other complaints listed in P.L. 106-386.

Menendez #49 Authorizes $20 million to assist in disaster mitigation and preparedness activities in El Salvador, India, and other countries that contain highly disaster prone areas.

Menendez #50 Prohibits U.S. funding to programs and projects of the International Atomic Agency in Iran, unless the Secretary of State determines that such programs and projects are consistent with U.S. nuclear nonproliferation and safety goals, and will not provide Iran with training or experience relevant to the development of nuclear weapons, and are not being used as a cover for the acquisition of nuclear technology.

Miller (FL) #41 Requires an annual report to Congress on efforts between the U.S. and the governments of foreign countries to extradite criminals to the U.S. during the preceding year.

Nethercutt #13 Adds a new section to Title IV, U.S. Educational and Cultural Programs of the U.S., directing the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs to establish educational and cultural exchange programs with the people of Cuba.

Nethercutt #14 Prohibits the Secretary of State from denying visas to Cuban scientists entering the U.S. for the purpose of attending a scientific conference or an educational exchange.

Nethercutt #15 Establishes an 8th condition that must be met prior to payment by the U.S. of U.N. arrearage requiring the Secretary of State to certify that the U.S. is a voting member of the U.S. Human Rights Commission, prior to the obligation of funds to the U.N.

Nethercutt #16 Expresses the Sense of the Congress that unilateral food and medicine sanctions should immediately be eliminated.

Ose #63 WITHDRAWN Expresses the Sense of Congress that, despite its leadership in the international "War of Drugs, " the U.N. Economic and Social Council did not reelect the U.S. Representative to the International Narcotics Control Board.(LATE)

Ose #64 WITHDRAWN Reduces the funding authorized in response to the U.N. Economic and Social Council choosing not to reelect the U.S. Representative to the International Narcotics Control Board. (LATE)

Ose #65 Restricts the use of funds for activities to the International Narcotics Control Board until such a time as a U.S. Representative is again elected to this board. (LATE)

Ose #67 2nd Degree amendment to Hyde-Lantos amendment conditioning U.S. arrearage payments - adds U.S. membership on the International Narcotics Control Board as an additional requirement. (LATE)

Paul #19 Removes the $848 million authorization for international (UN) peacekeeping.

Paul #20 Prohibits any of the funds authorized in the bill from being used for international family planning.

Peterson (PA) #23 Strikes Section 745 which is the Sense of the Congress language supporting the continued participation of the U.S. in international efforts to complete the rules and guidelines of the Kyoto Protocol related to the "Global Warming" theory and would ensure that the U.S. abide by the environmental directives of the protocol.

Peterson (PA) #24 Makes a number of findings relative to the science and policy implications of the theory of man-made catastrophic global warming and climate change and offers a Sense of the Congress to prudent policy directions for the President and the Congress in light of those findings

Rohrabacher #21 Prohibits any of the funds authorized by the Act to be used by the U.S. for funding the U.N. Human Rights Commission until the President certifies that the U.S. has been selected for a seat on the Commission for its 2002 session.

Rohrabacher #22 Strikes Section 745 which is the Sense of the Congress language supporting the continued participation of the U.S. in international efforts to complete the rules and guidelines of the Kyoto Protocol related to the "Global Warming" theory and would ensure that the U.S. abide by the environmental directives of the protocol.

Ros-Lehtinen #12 Re-inserts support staff positions for Presidential Advisory Board on Cuba Broadcasting.

Sanders/Morella #34 Reauthorizes through 2003 certain provisions of the Victims of Trafficking Assistance Act and ensures to the maximum extent practicable that program initiatives authorized under this section provide support to local in-country nongovernmental organizations to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services to victims of trafficking.

Schakowsky #47 Requires a report to Congress on the extent to which officers or employees of the Department of State have entered into contracts with companies or individuals in the Andean region.

Schakowsky #48 Adds a new section which would prohibit the Department of State from contracting with a company or individual to carry out military, law enforcement, armed rescue, or other related operations in the Andean region, including any operations relating to narcotics control efforts.

Shays #70 Sense of Congress that, to the degree permitted by security considerations, Peace Corps offices abroad should be permitted at locations separate from a U.S. embassy. (LATE)

Slaughter #52 Requires the Secretary of State to file a bi-annual report on the status of the German Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility, and the Future," which was established by the U.S. and Germany in July, 2000, to settle all Holocaust era slave labor, forced labor, banking and insurance claims against German industry. Expresses the Sense of Congress that the determination of the Secretary's report should be reflected in statements of interest filed by the U.S. government and that all valid slave labor claims should be paid pursuant to the agreement without regard to the settlement of any other claims.

Slaughter #53 Requires the Secretary of State to file a bi-annual report on the status of the German Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility, and the Future," which was established by the U.S. and Germany in July, 2000, to settle all Holocaust era slave labor, forced labor, banking and insurance claims against German industry.

Sweeney #11 Adds an additional restriction to section 601 for the release of U.S. arrearage payments by requiring a prohibition on the use of secret ballots in U.N. activities.

Tancredo #25 Removes language authorizing the payment of funds required for the U.S. to rejoin the U.N. Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. (UNESCO)

Tancredo #26 Removes language expressing the Sense of Congress that the president should renew the membership and participation of the U.S. in the U.N. Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Tancredo #69 Combination of Tancredo #25 and #26

Terry #68 Sense of Congress protesting the removal of the U.S. from the U.N. Commission on Human Rights. (LATE)

Underwood #1 Expresses the Sense of Congress supporting the recent agreements outlined in the Joint Statement by the U.S. and the Republic of the Philippines on a Framework for Bilateral Cooperation in the Environmental and Public Health and encourages an objective non-governmental study which would examine environmental contamination and health effects emanating from former U.S. military facilities in the Philippines, following departure of U.S. military forces from the Philippines in 1992.

Velazquez #62 Requires U.S. AID to conduct an evaluation of industries under-represented by small businesses in U.S. AID contracts. (LATE)

Vitter #54 Authorizes an independent audit of the State Department. (LATE)

Weiner #31 Requests the Secretary of State to review the current Travel Warning in place for Israel, the West Bank and Gaza to determine which areas within those regions may be visited safely and which areas present the highest risk to Americans traveling abroad.

* Summaries derived from information submitted by the amendment sponsors.