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Public Civil Rights Compliance Activities

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The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) is involved with many programs and activities that serve the public.  Many of the programs are provided directly by Reclamation to beneficiaries, while other programs are provided to beneficiaries by other parties, such as state or local government or private parties with financial or non-financial support from Reclamation.  Those programs provided directly by Reclamation are Federally Conducted, while those programs receiving Reclamation support and operated by partners are Federally Assisted.

Reclamation's civil rights program seeks to provide the highest level of access and integration possible for all people in diverse programs, activities, and services offered by and through Reclamation. Currently, the Civil Rights Office (CRO) is responsible for assuring compliance with laws, regulations, and directives governing Executive Order 12250 including federally assisted programs and federally conducted programs administered by Reclamation.

The External Compliance activities of the Public Civil Rights (PCR) Team include:

Reclamation is responsible for ensuring nondiscrimination in Reclamation's programs and activities and those receiving Federal assistance from Reclamation, as well as complaint investigations of ADA, Title II discrimination allegations regardless of Federal Assistance.

Who is Protected?
Consistent with its mission of managing water and water-related resources, Reclamation is committed to serving diverse populations through its Federally Conducted and Federally Assisted Programs.  In serving the community, it is Reclamation’s responsibility to ensure that all programs, activities, and services within each program are operated in a discrimination free manner.  This means that no person will be discriminated against based on their race, color, national origin, age or disability.  Additionally, discrimination on the basis of sex is strictly prohibited in any Federally Assisted education program or activity.

What Programs, Activities and Facilities Are Covered?
Federally Conducted Programs are really anything that Reclamation by legislative authority, mission or practice of business conducts. Examples of Federally Conducted programs, activities and services are visitor centers; recreation opportunities like boating, fishing, camping, wildlife viewing, employment opportunities, and public meetings.

Federally Assisted Programs, activities and services are much like the examples provided above, except that they are provided by a non-Federal entity receiving money, valuable services, training, commodities, or use or interest in land. Often State and local governments, and private entities are beneficiaries of Federal Assistance and may provide programs, activities and services on behalf of Reclamation or other Federal agencies.

What are the Regulations?
Individuals benefiting from Federally Assisted Programs are protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Act Amendments of 1972, as amended; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 43 Code of Federal Regulations Part 17 and Executive Order 12898.  Beneficiaries of Reclamation’s programs are protected by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; 43 Code of Federal Regulations Part 17, and Executive Order 12898.

How is Compliance Determined?
To ensure nondiscrimination, Reclamation assesses its own programs to validate compliance with the laws above and has a process in place for investigating complaints of discrimination for employees and the public.  Additionally, partners receiving support commit to nondiscrimination practices upon receiving benefit from Reclamation.  Federally Assisted partners will undergo pre-award and post-award reviews to ensure compliance in their operations.  Where deficiencies are found, plans for correction are established and executed.

Delegated Authority for Specific Civil Rights Statutes
Reclamation's responsibility delegated by Departmental Manual 205 DM 17 addresses the responsibility for Federal civil rights matters under specific civil rights statutes. As a result of the DOI delegation, Reclamation has compliance and investigative responsibilities specific to the following civil rights bases:


Information and Publications


Technical Assistance

Below are Fact Sheets for various statutes which are handled by the PCR Team. Some of the documents are more than one page, you may wish to print doubled sided.

Fact Sheets Yellow burst with the word NEW
  Age Discrimination Act (PDF 51KB)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)(PDF 59KB)
Architectural Barriers Act (ABA)(PDF 51KB)
Civil Rights Act (PDF 53KB)
Executive Order 12898 for Environmental Justice (PDF 43KB)
Executive Order 13166 for People with Limited English Proficiency (PDF 54KB)
Executive Order 13160 for Federally Conducted Education and Training Programs(PDF 43KB)
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, for Federally Assisted Programs (PDF 53KB)
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, for Federally Conducted Programs (PDF 53KB)
Title IX of the Education Amendments Act for Educational Programs and Activities(PDF 52KB)









Last Update: July 18, 2008 9:28 AM