U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Question 77: Representatives of the nuclear power industry

are concerned that the additional terms provided in the

revised rule to describe the "real estate" in and around

commercial power plants seems to be overlapping. This

could lead to confusion. Access to these various areas may

also affect the category to which individuals working

within these areas are assigned. At nuclear power plants,

either the "protected area" or "radiation controlled area"

may serve as the "restricted area." Although workers

granted unescorted access entering the "protected area" may

not be directly monitored for radiation exposure, they must

be considered as "occupationally exposed." At least

minimal "radiation worker" training is required for these

workers consistent with the regulations. "Controlled

areas" would typically extend to the "site boundary" or

"owner controlled area." Does the NRC staff have any

comments on this matter?

Answer: Each licensee should carefully document how the

licensees local "area" terms correspond to the area terms

in 10 CFR Part 20 (restricted, controlled, and unrestricted

areas). Under both old and revised Part 20, anyone who

enters a restricted area is subject to the occupational

dose limits and must receive appropriate instructions in

accordance with 10 CFR 19.12. Workers can also be

occupationally exposed (and, therefore, subject to the

occupational dose limits) in controlled and unrestricted

areas (i.e., areas outside restricted areas) depending (in

accordance with the definition of "occupational dose") on

the nature of the work they are doing and regardless of the

area they are in outside a "restricted area." (References:

10 CFR 20.1003, 10 CFR 20.1201).