U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Question 76: The Department of Energy (DOE) does not

assign a 50-year dose commitment in the year of intake for

its workers exposed to internally deposited radioactive

material. The internal dose is assigned on an annual

basis. Will commercial nuclear power plant licensees be

required to assess internal 50-year dose commitment for

workers coming from DOE facilities? Some radionuclides

encountered at DOE facilities may be beyond the normal

assessment methods of commercial nuclear power plants.

Answer: The statement that DOE does not assign a 50-year

dose commitment in the year of intake is not correct.

Although the DOE dose limits are applied to the dose

actually received in a year, DOE facilities are required by

DOE Order 5480.11 to generate and maintain individual

occupational dose records that include "committed effective

dose equivalent from intakes occurring during the year" and

"committed dose equivalent to organ and tissue of concern

from intakes occurring during the year." DOE Order 5480.11

also requires that records of exposure be made available to

the worker upon request of the worker. See related

Question 6. (References: 10 CFR 20.1204, DOE Order DOE
