U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Question 60: In a respiratory protection program what

records are needed of evaluations that demonstrate

compliance with the requirement for maintaining the total

effective dose equivalent ALARA? For example, must such an

evaluation be made each time an individual is to wear a


Answer: Such records need not be made each time someone

is to don a respirator. A licensee who performs and

records such evaluations in accordance with the following

guidance will be considered to be in compliance with the

requirements for such evaluations:

1. (a) If the licensee establishes a reasonable

threshold value for prospective deep dose equivalent (rem)

for an individual from a task/job below which a record of

such an evaluation is not needed, and

(b) the licensee establishes a threshold value for

prospective collective deep dose equivalent (person-rem)

from a task/job below which the record of such an

evaluation is not needed,

(c) in situations in which the licensee plans to use

respiratory protection equipment, the licensee does not

need to record such ALARA evaluations for situations in

which the projected external dose to any individual is

below the thresholds established under 1 (a) and 1 (b)

above for both the projected individual external dose [1

(a)] and projected collective external dose [1 (b)].

2. If the licensee establishes a threshold value for

prospective intake of radioactive material (as a fraction

of the ALI or as DAC-hours) for an individual from a

task/job below which a record of such an evaluation is not

needed, in situations in which respiratory protection

equipment is not planned to be used, the licensee does not

need to record such ALARA evaluations when the prospective

intake is below the threshold.

3. Irrespective of the statements in #1 and #2 above, the

licensee does need to perform and record such evaluations

for situations to which the ALARA provisions of 10 CFR

20.1703 (b) (1) apply, that is to situations in which it is

anticipated that protection factor for the respiratory

protection equipment to be provided is less than the

multiple by which the peak concentrations of airborne

radioactive materials in the working area are expected to

exceed the concentrations specified in Appendix B Table 1,

Col. 3.

4. Regardless of the magnitude of the projected external

dose, the licensee does not need to perform or record such

evaluations before requiring the use of respiratory

protection equipment as a precautionary measure in

situations in which there is a large uncertainty in the

magnitude of the projected concentrations of airborne

radioactive material to which the workers will be exposed

(e.g., a new job with no history of previous similar jobs).

References: 10 CFR 20.1101 (b), 10 CFR 20.1703)