U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Question 212: A licensee makes a prospective determination

that adult workers in Department W are not likely to

receive doses in excess of 10% of the limits from external

sources, so external dosimetry is not required by 20.1502.

The workers in Department W complain when their TLD badges

are taken away, so the licensee decides to leave them

badged, but not to demonstrate compliance with the

occupational dose limits of the revised Part 20. (a) If

an inspector finds the TLD badges being worn incorrectly or

misused by Department W workers, can the licensee be cited?

(b) Must the doses be reported to the workers? If

recording is required, must it be kept on Form 5?

Answer: (a) No citation against 10 CFR 20.1502 would be

issued, provided the licensee can provide documentation

that adequately supports the evaluation that monitoring of

external dose is not needed. An inspector may bring the

issue of incorrect wearing of dosimeters to the attention

of the licensee, and may document this lack of good

practice in the inspection report.

(b) No, reporting is not required. If the badges are not

used for compliance with the regulations, the licensee is

not required to record the results on NRC Form 5 or its

equivalent. (Reference: 10 CFR 20.1502, 10 CFR 20.2106)