U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Question 16: Will the Emergency Action Levels (EAL) as

part of the Emergency Plans have to be changed if based on

the old Part 20 methodology?

Answer: The EALs are not related to Part 20. Appendix 1

of NUREG-0654 contains the descriptions for the four

emergency classifications; unusual event, alert, site area

emergency, and general emergency. Example initiating

conditions are also found in this appendix. No reference

is made to the use or applicability of Part 20 in either

the regulations pertinent to emergency classifications nor

in the guidance. In the class descriptions, reference is

made to EPA protective action guide (PAG) exposure levels.

EPA has revised its PAG manual. EPA recommends the use of

committed effective dose equivalent to replace the whole

body dose for the plume PAG. The numerical values for the

plume PAG remain the same. It is therefore expected that

the licensees will have to revise, if necessary, their

emergency dose calculation methodology to classify an

emergency and recommend protective actions in order to

comply with the revised EPA PAG manual. (Reference: 50.47,

EPA PAG manual)