U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Question 113: If an NRC licensee employs an individual

formerly employed at a DOE lab and that individual's DOE

lab dose record shows a CEDE of more than 5 rems (but

within DOE limits) must the NRC licensee consider this an

overexposure and reduce this individual's planned special

exposure allowance accordingly?

Answer: No. The "limits" referenced in 20.2104 (a) (2)

and 20.1206 (e) are the limits in effect and applicable to

the individual at the time of the exposure. It should be

noted that if the 5 rem CEDE was received during the

current year, this individual would not be allowed any

further exposure for the balance of the year. (References:

10 CFR 20.2104 and 20.1206 (e)).