Congressman Lynn A. Westmoreland
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Westmoreland protects Benning’s WHINSEC

Washington, Jun 22, 2007 - U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland joined a successful bi-partisan effort today to protect Fort Benning’s WHINSEC from a Massachusetts Democrat’s legislative assault.

The House voted against the amendment to the State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill, which would have stripped funding for the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. The amendment failed by a vote of 203-214. 

“I am pleased to see that the effort to cut this program failed,” Westmoreland said. “The right side prevailed, but this vote proves that year after year we have to vigilantly educate members of the House about the important work carried out by WHINSEC. This institute has continued to receive important funding and support in Congress despite the misinformation about its mission. 

“WHINSEC promotes cooperation with militaries in Latin America. It fosters our ties with the Western Hemisphere and helps democracies in countries that would not otherwise have access to military human rights training.

“We must cooperate, educate and assist our friends and neighbors in Latin America. We do that best by supporting WHINSEC and the crucial work that is done there.”

WHINSEC is a Department of Defense institute that instructs current and future civilian, military and law enforcement leaders from nations in the Western Hemisphere. Its human rights training program is among the best offered by military educational institutions in the West. U.S. engagement in sharing democratic values with our neighbors fills a void otherwise left open to dangerous ideologies.

More than 61,000 offices, noncommissioned officers and soldiers have graduated from or attended courses at these U.S. Army schools. The vast majority of graduates have contributed positively to the region’s transition to democracy while helping to avoid interstate conflict.

Attached is the floor speech that Westmoreland gave on the floor of the House last night in defense of WHINSEC.

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