Congressman Lynn A. Westmoreland
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  • Sept. 11 remembered at Pentagon Memorial
    Sep 11, 2008  - U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland marked the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks by attending the dedication of the Pentagon Memorial this morning.  “Today’s Pentagon Memorial ceremony was the most moving and effective dedication that I’ve ever attended,” Westmoreland said. “I hope that many... More
  • Statement on reports by Petraeus, Crocker
    Sep 10, 2007  - “The reports today from Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker weren’t packed with surprises. In fact, their testimony demonstrates that the increase in troops over the past three months has worked the way we thought it would: It’s decreased the levels of violence across Iraq, it’s increase... More
  • Westmoreland protects Benning’s WHINSEC
    Jun 22, 2007  - U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland joined a successful bi-partisan effort today to protect Fort Benning’s WHINSEC from a Massachusetts Democrat’s legislative assault. The House voted against the amendment to the State and Foreign Operations Appropriations bill, which would have stripped funding for the Wes... More
  • Westmoreland votes ‘yes’ on war spending bill
    May 24, 2007  - After opposing Democrats’ attempts in previous bills to set timetables for surrender in Iraq, U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland today voted in favor of the latest war spending legislation after Democrats backed off of their demands for withdrawal timetables.“It took 110 days from the time that the preside... More
  • Westmoreland optimistic on Iraq compromise
    May 23, 2007  - U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland on Wednesday hailed the progress in the war spending bill negotiations, saying we’re moving in a more positive direction by eliminating withdrawal timetables from the legislation. “It’s taken far too long in this time of war, but we’re finally seeing the outlines of ... More
  • Westmoreland votes no on ‘slow bleed’
    Mar 23, 2007  - U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland voted against the Democrats’ “slow-bleed” war supplemental – which passed 218-212 with one member voting present -- in the House today, saying it assures defeat by mandating the withdrawal of American troops.  “Today’s vote is the most important we’ll take a... More
  • More troops needed to achieve victory
    Mar 3, 2007  - Our present strategy in Iraq has failed to halt the escalation of violence in Iraq, particularly in blood-soaked Baghdad. To put us on the path to victory, we need changes. Most members of Congress, including me, are not military commanders or experts, nor are we 535 individual commanders in chie... More
  • Westmoreland opposes 'emergency' spending bill
    Mar 16, 2006  - U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland today voted against the approximately $91 billion emergency spending bill for the war and Katrina, saying that funding for the military effort should be voted on separately. "We all support the troops and we want to give them the resources they need, but I have a seriou... More
  • Westmoreland votes to renew PATRIOT Act
    Jul 21, 2005  - U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland voted to reauthorize the USA PATRIOT Act. "It’s fitting that as we take on this legislation today as our ally in the War on Terror, Britain, is dealing with a second terror attack in as many weeks," Westmoreland said. "Our efforts to fight terrorism must continue t... More
  • Westmoreland votes for increased border patrols
    May 19, 2005  - U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland spoke out this week to support an amendment that would drastically increase the effectiveness of our nation’s border patrol. "Our nation’s borders are a joke. But I’m not laughing," Westmoreland said. "Cracking down on border patrol will save lives. Porous borders allow... More
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