portrait of Representative Rush Holt   
 Representative Rush Holt, 12th District of New Jersey



November 15, 2007
Contact: Zach Goldberg
202-225-5801 (office)


Bill Also Contains Holt Initiatives to Expand Pell Grant Program, Expand Child Care Access for Parents in Schools; and Improve Foreign Language, Math & Science Education

(Washington, D.C.) – The U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor, of which Rep. Rush Holt (NJ-12) is a member, today passed legislation to make college more affordable and accessible for students in New Jersey and throughout the country. The College Opportunity and Affordability Act of 2007 also includes a number of provisions authored by Holt, including expanding Pell Grants, improving child care programs for parents in school, and strengthening support for foreign language, math and science education. The bill will now go to the full House of Representatives.

“As a former college teacher, I believe higher education is more important than ever to ensure America’s economic prosperity, security, and health,” Holt said.  “This legislation affirms our commitment to providing opportunities for students to attend college by strengthening and expanding federal student aid programs, including Pell Grants.”

The College Opportunity and Affordability Act expands Pell Grants, which are need-based grants for undergraduates. This year, Pell Grants will assist 5.3 million students. The bill increases the authorized maximum Pell Grant award to $9,000 from the current $5,800. Additionally, the bill adopts Holt’s provision to allow Pell Grants to be used year round and for certificate programs and part-time students.  The bill also includes the following Holt initiatives to:

•    Improve the “Child Care Access Means Parents in Schools” Program by increasing grants to $30,000 from $10,000, and helping allowing small and community colleges also to provide child care programs.

•    Develop a Math & Science Honors Scholarship Fund and a Math and Science Incentive Program under the Byrd Scholarship Program. The Math and Science Honors Scholarship Fund would be awarded to students who commit to complete five consecutive years of service in a math or science field after graduation.  Similarly, the Math and Science Incentive Program would provide for the forgiveness of up to $5,000 of the interest that accumulates on a student’s loan if the student agrees to work for five consecutive years in a math or science field.

•    Promote foreign language education by establishing grants for foreign language partnerships between local school districts and foreign language departments at institutions of higher education. The bill also includes grants to institutions of higher education to develop programs for the teaching of foreign languages that combine it with science education.

•    Create an Assistant Secretary for International and Foreign Language Education in the Department of Education. The executive-level officer would provide leadership in directing efforts aimed at international and foreign language education.

•    Helps teacher candidates effectively integrate technology in the classroom.

“These initiatives are part of the larger effort to make it easier for students to finance their education and to strengthen the quality of education they receive,” Holt said. “This committee has passed a good bill, and I look forward to working with members of both parties to see it become law.”
