portrait of Representative Rush Holt   
 Representative Rush Holt, 12th District of New Jersey



July 11, 2006

Contact: Pat Eddington/Holt
Andrew Souvall/Pallone
(202) 225-4671



Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Reps. Rush Holt (NJ-12) and Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-6) today held discussions with FBI Director Robert Mueller regarding the future of the FBI Information Technology Center at Fort Monmouth. The two New Jersey law makers made it clear to Mueller that the Bureau should stay in Monmouth County.

“We made it clear that any decision on the future of the FBI facility and its employees is premature at this time,” said Holt.  “The FBI agreed to meet with us in the coming days to discuss their current thinking, and their budget numbers, and to review their long-term needs.”

"Any decision at this point to close the FBI office at Fort Monmouth is premature," said Pallone.  "The FBI should not make any decision until the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Commission has actually been sworn in and had an opportunity to discuss potential financial arrangements with the federal agency."

During separate discussions with Eleni P. Kalisch, Assistant Director, Office of Congressional Affairs, and Joseph L. Ford, Assistant Director, Finance Division and Chief Financial Officer, Holt and Pallone took issue with some of the FBI’s basic assumptions about what it would cost to stay on the Fort Monmouth site.

"During our meeting today, the FBI claimed it would cost them $32 million to continue to operate the facility after Fort Monmouth closes," continued Pallone.  "Congressman Holt and I dispute those rough estimates and plan to work in the coming weeks to put more accurate numbers before the FBI so that the agency realizes it's in their best interest to maintain their office on the Fort land."

“The FBI presented us with no data to support their contention that a move is necessary,” said Holt. “They haven’t even had discussions with the FMERC, much less entertained an offer from it. We made it clear to Director Mueller that we expect the Bureau to work with us and the Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Commission (FMERC) to keep this important facility functioning as it is.”
