portrait of Representative Rush Holt   
 Representative Rush Holt, 12th District of New Jersey



June 1, 2005
Contact: Pat Eddington
202-225-5801 (office)



Eatontown, NJ. -- Today, U.S. Reps. Rush Holt (NJ-12) and Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06) chaired a Save Our Fort Committee Meeting at which committee members discussed the upcoming Friday visit of two of the BRAC Commissioners.  


“Our goal remains the same: to demonstrate Ft. Monmouth’s military value to the warfighter, and communicate the danger posed by losing Fort Monmouth’s workforce,” said Holt. “We intend to ensure that each Commissioner has all of the information regarding the invaluable work done by the men and women of Ft. Monmouth.  They need every bit of data in order to make a fully informed assessment of Ft. Monmouth’s value.”


"We look forward to having Commission Chairman Principi and Commissioner Newton visit Fort Monmouth on Friday morning," Pallone said.  "It's clear the Pentagon recommendation seriously undervalued research and development, and misjudged the long-term effects an inevitable brain drain would have on today's warfighters.  I'm confident the BRAC Commissioners will take these two issues into account during their visit, and will leave impressed by the irreplaceable work done at the Fort."


It’s expected that the BRAC Commissioners and their staff will arrive at Ft. Monmouth around 8am and depart shortly after noon.


In a related development, community activists are planning a 7:30am rally at Wampum Memorial Park ’s Veterans Plaza (near the intersection of Route 35 and West Street in Eatontown) on Friday, June 3. Members of the public, community leaders, and elected officials (including Reps. Holt and Pallone) are expected to attend. The next phase of the public fight to save Ft. Monmouth will take place at the BRAC Regional hearing in Baltimore, Maryland on July 8.


